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Hardware Hacking

Is It Time For Hacker Scouts? 186

ptorrone writes "MAKE Magazine asks: is it 'Time For Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts 2.0?' What might the future of education be like if it were based on online & earned skill badges, and what could the future of traditional organizations for kids, like the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, be like in a very modern, tech-savvy world? Social networks and the maker movement are the perfect intersection of where the kids of today are, but we don't see 'leaderboards' for skills yet; we only see them for video games. Is it time for Hacker Scouts?"
Open Source

Adafruit's Open-source Wearable Platform, Flora 62

ptorrone writes "Limor 'Ladyada' Fried's NYC based Open-source electronics studio, Adafruit, today announced their new open wearable platform called the FLORA (blog post & video). The FLORA is Arduino compatible as well as supporting a variety of sensors and add-on devices including: Bluetooth, GPS, 3-axis accelerometer, compass module, flex sensor, piezo, IR LED, push button, embroidered + capacitive keypad, OLED and more. The first round of hardware is in the hands of testers to create wearable projects."

Submission + - The real reason Firefox lost to Chrome: Firefox 4 (astronautz.com)

edxwelch writes: In November last year Chrome overtook Firefox in market share for the first time. What people don’t realise is that the release of Firefox 4 caused a large part of the decline.
Firefox 4 was a major new release and came with a brand new Javascript engine and HTML5 parser. Unfortunately, these new features came with major memory leaks and performance bugs. The result was that if you used Firefox 4 for an extended period of time the browser would eventually become unresponsive, making it virtually unusable.


Submission + - iPhone owners get "Samsunged" in new ad [video] (bgr.com)

zacharye writes: Following Samsung’s recent run of television advertisements depicting iPhone users as mindless hipster sheep, the company’s ad firm is back with another spot that again takes aim at Apple fans. The new ad shows iPhone 4 owners camped outside an Apple Store waiting for the latest iPhone model to finally go on sale...

Submission + - Comcast Now Offers 105Mb/s Service (comcast.com)

madsci1016 writes: "Comcast is offering 105Mb/s internet service to select markets. Interesting to note is the service will still have the 250 GB monthly transfer cap. At the new speed, you will be able to hit the cap limit in a little over 5 hours."

DIY FireHero Project 27

If you have a propane tank, an ultrasonic sensor, a copy of Guitar Hero and a touch of pyromania, this is the project for you. From the article: "For version 1 of FireHero, the player simply watches a video of the guitar hero chart and plays on the guitar accordingly. Version 2 of FireHero will have a much better system, with Autoplay functionality. I will be able to take a custom guitar hero chart, convert it into a MIDI file, and use Processing to analyze it and play FireHero to the track."

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Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly. -- Henry Spencer
