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Comment Re:End free trade with non-free countries (Score 1) 456

"And the day China stops buying US dollars is the day the dollar collapses."

Maybe that's what we need. We can start over by being self-reliant. Or better yet by ending all trade with China and then ending trade barriers with Western democracies.

It's either that or China rules the world in a century.

Comment Re:...and the pursuit of happiness (Score 2, Insightful) 592

Well then, why don't you work for free? Will you be as happy then?

Why do you think everyone, and I mean EVERYONE wants to get rich quick and retire early so they can go fishing or gaming or other hobbies that typically don't make money instead of work?

I betcha that if you took 100 people who are happy doing what they do for work and you gave them the same salary to stay home and slack... 99 of them would stay home. Including you.

Comment No, the real reason EVE fails is because (Score 1) 138

One or two of the very few married EVE Online players in the world spent $100 of their household's real life cash to buy a freighter in-game only to have it stolen from them and then some other real life bill didn't get paid and then they faced their wives' wrath and as Porky Pig once said... badebadebadethatsallfolks!

Comment Re:Most of us are criminals (Score 1) 361

But there's ways around it.

I manage a data center off-site and on-site. On-site, I go to the cafeteria outside the secure area and have my fun via a nearby free wifi hotspot. If that ever happens to go away, well, at this point I'm just FUBAR'd if I have to be at work all day (which almost never happens). But I never use the company bandwidth.

At home I have a computer that VPN's to work and all the others are free and clear.

There are ways to beat this.

Comment Once again it's time to suggest (Score 4, Interesting) 171

That we do a DMCA on people's personal information.

Remove the concept of 'public records' and make it all PRIVATE.

If Experian wants to collect personal information on you, they should have to pay a fee to you and agree to a standard distribution restriction agreement that makes them come to you for permission to distribute the data elsewhere.

Now of course credit card companies have to ask and pay you for the right to get that information but they can also charge higher fees, too.

Violations bring the same penalties as with "pirating" a mp3.

Comment Yeah, but (Score 1) 215

If you write erotica and it's a hell of a bodice ripper with a nice story line, you may wind up not needing porn videos.

That is, except to watch them with one of the women who read your stuff.

Oh and these women aren't all DOGS, either. I know for a fact. I owe my marriage and three (well, one adopted) kids to doing this myself.

Hoo rah.

Comment I think you're outnumbered on this one (Score 1) 931

Somewhere, some dentist would be making good money off any teacher who tried to reach into my briefcase to take out my notes without my permission.

That is my legal right in the State of California.

People in positions of authority are getting way out of hand and they need to know the strength of their chain before they leash us.

Comment Excuse me? (Score 1) 685

Why would a single employee want to pool their negotiating power with others against an organized management hierarchy?

What, are you afraid to defend your interests against 5, 10 or 20 managers or corporate officers?

Employee abuse is necessary for capitalism to succeed.

Bah, we've got bigger problems than labor unions. Can you imagine the damage that'll be done to a company if you're actually PAID for all of your 40 hours of overtime? Why, it could lead to communism - or worse, it could lead to fewer trips to Acapulco for your managers. You're fsckin with their God given right to profits and expensive vacations and international brothels. Capitalism don't play dat.

Work's a bitch, dude. It's meant to be pain and suffering and stress. Forget about unions, go find some stims. You know, some uppers. And when you can't take it any more we'll send tech jobs overseas and put America to work at McDonald's.

Yay, capitalism!

(end right wing parody)

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