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Comment Re:Very subjective (Score 2) 382

If they post on a proper science website (talking about the age of the earth or not) - Troll. Science sites are not the right place to talk about any deity.

I find this a difficult point. I agree it's annoying and not productive etc... but... is it trolling? They've got a viewpoint, and are trying to get it across to you...

Imo trolling is something bad you do on purpose. Being convinced that you're helping people by telling them about [deity] doesn't sound like trolling to me. But it can be very annoying on a science forum if you keep getting such on your science forum...

I agree that it's probably not their place to be (or very rarely, maybe some theological discussion could from time to time happen on a science forum, why not). But saying they are trolls is going too far imo. And maybe even banning is going too far, don't know...

Just shutting up people you don't agree with and calling them trolls won't make the situation any better (and will just make both sides more determined...)

Comment Very subjective (Score 5, Interesting) 382

There are ofcourse the obvious trolls, but where does someone end being a troll, and is just someone who has a completely different view?

If someone is convinced the earth is only 5000 years old, and that [insert deity] created all other history to confuse us, is that a troll? How do you prevent just creating a forum where you "discuss" things only with people who think the same way you do, and thus without opposing viewpoints since they'll eventually get removed for "trolling"?

Comment Re:Barbara Streisand award (Score 4, Insightful) 424

It seems they're going full blown Barbara Streisand. When googling the name of the blogger, i got a google notice that not all search results may be returned since a request was made to make certain information not available.

So probably the people from the restaurant now also made a request to google to make sure this entire thing can't be googled....

Comment Re:Internet (Score 1) 248

I was thinking the same. The probably most "correct" response would be to make it technically impossible to get the data from Canada, but there is no other way to do that than to just block the data worldwide. Otherwise a simple proxy in another country would circumvent it (or even just imperfect detection of whether the user is in Canada or not).

It seems broad, but unless we've got extremely tightly DRM/Firewall of china kind of restrictions on all data, removing it completely is probably the only way for google to make sure it can no longer be accessed from Canada...

It's still not nice to see such rulings, but unless anyone here has a better idea that isn't trivially circumvented, it's probably also totally legit.

Comment Re:Units! (Score 1) 176

i guess that's a compliment for my good english, but i'm european :p.
and i know very well how much 27cm is, but i find it hard to translate to screen diagonal. I however know perfectly how big my currently 10" tablets screen is, and i've never looked at it as a 25cm tablet :p, or maybe i'm getting old and will have to face that slowly screens will be measured in cm and not inch.
Knowing how much 27cm is, for me at least, doesn't give a good indication of what you'll exactly have. you have to compare it to similar screens you have experienced, and for me i've always seen them described in inches, so that's the reference for me.

Comment Re:Units! (Score 2, Informative) 176

well, screens are even in metric countries still mostly measured in inch. a 10.5 inch screen is clearer than a 27cm screen.
It's indeed strange and stupid, but unless there is a sudden movement to get rid of this convention, it's rather convenient to keep it that way. Everybody knows the sizes in inch of the screens they have, so if a new screen then also measures it in inch, it's easy to compare it to what you currently have.

If i read somewhere the screen diagonal measured in cm, it's most of the time a tiny TV they're trying to make it sound bigger than it is...

Comment Re:Discover is the wrong word (Score 1) 223

I don't know, if they're the first to devise a working setup to achieve that, haven't they discovered how to do it?
It was already discovered that it should be possible, but they might be the first to actually describe a possible apparatus to do so, so i guess it's fair to say that they discovered how to do it?

Submission + - H R Giger dead: Alien artist and designer died aged 74 ( 2

M3.14 writes: H. R. Giger, the Swiss artist and designer of Ridley Scott's Alien, has died, aged 74. Hans Rudolf 'Ruedi' Giger sustained injuries caused by a fall, Swiss newspaper Neue Zuercher Zeitung has reported (German link. English summary here). The terrifying creature and sets he created for Ridley Scott’s film earned him an Oscar for special effects in 1980. In the art world, Giger is appreciated for his wide body of work in the fantastic realism and surrealistic genres. Film work was just one of his talents. Giger is also known for his sculptures, paintings and furniture. The H.R. Giger Museum, inaugurated in the summer of 1998 in the Château St. Germain, is a four-level building complex in the historic, medieval walled city of Gruyères. It is the permanent home to many of the artist’s most prominent works.

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