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Comment Argh, I should have previewed the post (Score 1) 243

So we let AT&T know certain businesses are important to us and from which they can try to extort money?

AT&T: Nice business you have here. According to our records 15000 people requested that we make your traffic to your site faster. We have a few different options that can suit your needs.
Random Business: What if we don't pay you extra for something your customers already paid for.
AT&T: Well we are disappointed you would think of it like that. We are here to help you and to help you see the light we will continue slowing your traffic until you sign up for our "business protection plan".

Comment We enable AT&T's shakedown? (Score 4, Funny) 243

So we let AT&T know certain businesses are important to us and from which they can try to extort money? AT&T: Nice business you have here. According to our records 15000 people requested that we make your traffic to your site faster. We have a few different options that can suit your needs. Random Business: What if we don't pay you extra for something your customers already paid for. AT&T: Well we are disappointed you would think of it like that. We are here to help you and to help you see the light we will continue slowing your traffic until you sign up for our "business protection plan".

Comment Re:fuck you and the bucket challenge (Score 3, Insightful) 182

criticizing people who are doing good things.

Actually no. Doing a good thing would be donating to charity. Most of the people doing this are just doing it because they saw it online or have a friend that did it and they want to be cool. Monkey see, monkey do. I bet a large number of the people doing the "challenge" don't even know the reason behind it. Instead of sharing stupid videos of clowns pouring water over their heads maybe we should be sharing videos of people writing checks to the charity. Of course that isn't as "exciting" for the ADD/ADHD generations.

Comment Re:Texas? (Score 1) 172

Actually you might want to read the data in the link you just posted. There is a column label "Renewable electicity w/o Hydro (GW hr)". Your link text was "largest producer of clean energy". Texas is, in fact, the largest producer of clean energy (w/o hydro) as it is #1 in that list. Hydro is only available in certain parts of the country so including it will skew the results.

Submission + - Apple Aagrees To $450 Million Ebook Antitrust Settlement (reuters.com)

An anonymous reader writes: Last year, a U.S. District Judge ruled that Apple conspired with publishers to control ebook prices in violation of antitrust laws. Apple launched an appeal which has yet to conclude, but they've now agreed to a settlement. If the appeal verdict goes against Apple, they will be on the hook for $450 million, most of which will go to consumers. If they win the appeal, they'll still have to pay $70 million. $450 million is much more than the other publishers had to pay, but much less than the expected penalty from a damages trial set for August (and still only about one percent of Apple's annual profit).

Submission + - President Obama refuses to veto import ban on Samsung products (bloomberg.com)

Chris453 writes: In August 2013, President Obama issued a veto to an import ban of the iPhone 4S after Samsung won several court battles against Apple claiming that the iPhone 4S violated several of Samsung's patents. Despite the hypocracy in a very similar case, the Obama administration today announced that it would not veto the International Trade Commission import ban against Samsung products (filed by Apple) in a move that could spark a trade dispute between the US and South Korea.

Comment Re:Apple trying to protect the market from Amazon (Score 1) 129

Yep. They're out to make as much money as possible by *DROPPING* the average price by $2.

Reading comprehension for the win!

Maybe you should take a look at who made that $2 claim that you are spouting off as fact. Who made it again? Senator Charles Schumer made that claim in an op-ed to the Wall Street Journal. The SAME Charles Schumer that has taken at LEAST $100k in legal bribes (campaign contributions) from the book industry according to latest figured released.

Maybe you have a reliable source for that $2 claim that isn't getting kickbacks from the same industry?

Comment Re:Apple trying to protect the market from Amazon (Score 2) 129

It was about the publishers (and Apple) trying to keep the market more open to competition

Do you really believe that? If so, I have some ocean side property to sell you in Arizona...

Apple and the publishers did this to make money (as much of it as possible) and didn't think anyone would notice their backroom dealing.


Submission + - Texas High School Student loses lawsuit challenging RFID tracking requirement (slate.com)

Chris453 writes: Earlier today, a Texas High School student named Andrea Hernandez and her family lost the first round of the lawsuit filed to prevent her school district from forcing its students to wear RFID badges for tracking purposes. The judge in the case declared that the district's compromise for the student (a badge without the battery) was sufficient and dismissed any first amendment issues.

The badges are RFIDs powered by built-in batteries and one of the concerns was that the badges would be used to track students off-campus. Interestingly enough, the school district claims in court documents that "The badges do not work off campus." However, on their website the school district confirms that it is conceivable that an off-campus RFID reader could access badge serial numbers, but tries to downplay the significance:
Therefore, an intruder or “hacker” can only learn that the tag serial number is, for example, #69872331, but that does not provide any useful information.

Has the district committed perjury by claiming that the active RFIDs magically deactivate themselves when off school property even though they already know of a possible exploit?

Comment Where is Anonymous when you need them? (Score 1) 139

I really wish that Anonymous would do something useful and setup an automated system that would issue fake DMCA take down requests against these major media corporations that abuse the process. That would get the attention of the politicians fast. If ALL of their videos were taken offline due to a random request from outside the US and they weren't able to go after anyone due to the law having no bite outside the US..... At the very least, maybe they will remove the provision that says US companies have to follow through on requests they receive from outside the US even though those requests are probably fake. The companies issuing them have nothing to lose.

Submission + - US court to Motorola: You can't enforce Injunction in Germany against Microsoft (reuters.com)

Chris453 writes: A U.S. appeals court on Friday ruled that Google Inc's Motorola Mobility unit cannot enforce a patent injunction that it obtained against Microsoft Corp in Germany, diminishing Google's leverage in the ongoing smartphone patent wars. Motorola won an injunction against Microsoft in May using their H.264 patents. Apparently the US federal justices in California have worldwide jurisdiction over all court cases, who knew? Maybe that is why Apple keeps winning lawsuits...

Submission + - CEO Tim Cook apologizes for Apple's awful Maps app, recommends Bing and (bgr.com)

TheBoat writes: Tim Cook has apologized for the company's Maps app in iOS 6. The CEO admitted that Apple “fell short” on its commitment to deliver the best experience possible to its customers. He also recommended that while the company works to fix the experience, users can take advantages of alternative mapping options for iOS including MapQuest and Microsoft’s Bing app.

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