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Comment Re:Liars, liars, pants on fire (Score 1) 301

Except I'm not ignoring anything. My statements are based on actual statements from officials in the administration, declassified documents and info from FOIA requests. Do you have proof that Paul O'Neill was lying? Or can you at all provide evidence to dispute my second length based on declassified documents and FOIA requests? All you seem to have is ad homs.

Comment Re:Liars, liars, pants on fire (Score 2) 301

Nothing revisionist about it. From here:

CRAWFORD, Texas — Paul O'Neill, President Bush's Treasury secretary in the first two years of his presidency, says the Bush administration was planning to invade Iraq long before the Sept. 11 attacks and used questionable intelligence to justify the war.

This is a 7 year old story.

Comment Re:Sure, to lower paying jobs (Score 2) 674

What a moronic strawman. Just because you might be able to point to some x percent that might have been higher paying does not diminish his point which is that many if not a majority or more of them are lower paying.

For example, while not technically related to technology replaced jobs, here is a great example of mid-wage jobs from before the 2008 recession have been overwhelmingly replaced with low-wage jobs. Only 1/3 of all the mid-wage jobs were replaced by something of equal value whereas the low-wage jobs increased 300%.

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