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Comment Re:Use a persistence library (Score 3, Informative) 267

It's ok to create dynamic queries as long as you aren't generating those based on user content. Doing the following (VB/Pseudocode) is perfectly fine.

sql = "SELECT item FROM table WHERE keyword IN ("
FirstValue = True
ParamNo = 1

For each Value in MyValueList
If Not FirstValue Then
sql &= ","
FirstValue = False
End If

sql &= "@Param_" & i
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Param_" & i,Value)
ParamNo += 1

sql &= ")"

Since there is no user input used in generating the query, you can never have an SQL inection attack, and still use dynamic queries. There are ways to do dynamic queries, without opening yourself up to attacks.

Comment Re:false credit (Score 1) 490

And it's a dying and obsolete product category anyway.

Uhuh. Sure it is. Meanwhile, Echo and Direct are both moving their customer base over to DVRs as fast as they can, and cable companies have been rolling out DVRs to their customers for years and years.

Pro-tip: Just because you're a nerd who pirates all his content, doesn't mean everyone else is.

Comment Re:...and another thing. (Score 4, Informative) 278

Consistency doesn't necessarily mean "stays the same," it can mean "does the same thing, the same way." Take OXO Good Grips, for example. A different tool for every task, but the handles are always black and little squishy so even people who have never cored a pineapple know how to hold the tool.

If a UI changes to suit a task, that's ok. The UI in the iPhone is constantly changing, but a button shaped like an arrow pointing to the right always opens a sub-menu. Selecting a text box always brings up a keyboard. And it gets more specialized than that, but not more confusing. If you're typing in a field that expects an email address, you get a ".com" button. I haven't seen anyone look at the ".com" button and freak out.

Comment Re:Sent to prison for Cartoon Porn (Score 2, Insightful) 751

Which is absolutely not the point.

The real point of the legal definition of CP should be: Something that hurts children, and therefore must be prevented. But of course, right now, the real point is: Something that a politician thinks, the most extreme conservative groups might objet to, and therefore cost him votes, or will be picked up by the media, and so in the end costs him power. They don’t fuckin’ care about children getting hurt. All they care about are their own asses. The whole idea of just forbidding to talk/see/hear anything about CP, instead of preventing the actual action that hurts children, is just sick. Because it protects CP. If accidentally stumbling upon a CP site and then call the cops to put them in jail, means that you will be put in jail, then CP is safer than it ever was! And that is what ever people who got themselves raped as children say.

The problem is many people are under the delusion that what somebody else thinks, and does with their own body; harms them.

Comment Retarded on another basis (Score 1) 647

Web browser making requests to web server is just the 1990s+ version of mainframe terminal making requests to a mainframe. The difference is a one-to-few relationship becomes a one-to-many relationship. IBM terminals (and some others) understand page layout, and things like form elements. What we really need to defeat is "...on the internet" patents, and that's essentially what this is given the similarity to mainframes.

Comment Re:Yes, help creative commons, open source etc. (Score 3, Interesting) 184

The license under which they are produced allows collaboration and distribution in spite of craziness in other copyright laws.

It doesn't matter - all it takes is someone who is willing to say "hey, that code infringes our copyright". The "offending" code gets removed, and (after the third time) the person who posted it gets kicked off the net.

Good luck trying to clear your name when you don't get to use the internet, and you can't sue to get reconnected because the company that made the claim is in another country.

And if you *do* manage to get it cleared up, the company just says "whoops, I guess I was wrong", and it starts all over again.

Comment Re:Social networking is not about privacy (Score 1) 446

I believe you are being mislead by the word 'friend'.
It is supposed to be a person whose company one enjoys and who is there in good times and bad to give advice and encouragement as a confidant(e) and a sounding board. Not the 400-odd people who you may have met once in a long-forgotten party and have collected like baseball cards.

Comment Re:To beat Kindle you need better policy (Score 1) 260

I was with 3 other people for dinner the other night, none of them geeks in ANY way... When ebooks came up, 2 of them had heard the Kindle 1984 story and it gave them the willies. "They can just delete my stuff?"

Based on this massive sample I will say that Joe Public may be more aware of the problem than we give him credit for.

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