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Comment 'barbecue', not 'barbeque' (Score 1) 302

The reason for this comment is the misspelled 'barbecue'. If you really want to spell it with a "q", then spell it 'barbequeue' to get the right pronunciation (just kidding, just kidding).

As to my vote: You insensitive clod!, because this poll seems aimed at US readers exclusively. In Holland, the first of May is not an official holiday but is observed by some.

The Wikipedia article on Labor day targets the U.S. holiday, whereas the article on Labour day discusses the general phenomenon (and references May Day and International Workers' Day).

By the way, on 7 September I'll probably go sailing, for the last time this year.

Getting Off NetHack? 141

thetan asks: "Like a lot of Slashdot readers, I've played a little NetHack as a teenager. Alright, quite a lot - but it was no big deal and I just sort of grew out of it. Now I'm not proud of this, but I got my gf hooked and she's been using daily for a few years now. After she tired of the game, I tried sating the monkey on her back with new fixes like Angband and ADOM. Now, I no longer want be a party to her addiction and self-destruction. She acknowledges the problem but is not yet ready to take that first step. What can I do to help ween her off? Could interactive fiction act as a methadone - or does it result in just as much harm? What other strategies have users employed to get clean? Does anyone know of NetHack addiction support groups or a 12-step? I'm desperate to get her back!"

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