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User Journal

Journal Journal: The Hunger

Last night, Melissa (now six months pregnant) got hungry. She wanted a sandwich. She wanted a sandwich with American cheese, dill pickles, Harvest Cheddar(tm) Sun Chips(tm), and smelt roe(!). We didn't have any smelt roe but she thoroughly enjoyed the sandwich I made with the rest of her requested items.

Aside from the cottage cheese with grape jelly and black pepper she had a month ago, this is the first of her really weird cravings. I hope it doesn't get any weirder.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Gaaaaah!! 7

I work at a small family run electronics engineering & manufacturing company. Some of the products that we build have lithium coin cells for things like battery backed RAM and real-time-clocks. Apparently nobody ever told the people in charge of the stock room that these batteries shouldn't ever be shorted (duh). They were storing dozens of loose cells together in zip-loc bags! I almost fainted when I discovered this. When I brought the problem to the attention of the production manager (my aunt BTW), she said "we've always stored them this way, I don't understand what the big deal is?". I tried to explain that the fact the building hasn't burned down yet because of this practice is a miracle. It's like smoking in a fireworks factory. She's frustrated now because she has to change her storage practices so we don't all die.

User Journal

Journal Journal: My dog isn't what I thought. 5

I took Rain (my dog) to the vet to be spayed, but it didn't quite go as expected. It turns out my puppy is a male pseudohermaphrodite. I don't know whether to call it a her or a him. I guess I'll stick with 'her' out of habit and physical appearance.

Picture of Rain (my odd little dog)

User Journal

Journal Journal: It's official. 4

The doctor confirmed it. Melissa and I are due to become parents on October 26. Apparently Melissa was already ~5 1/2 weeks along by the time we really started to wonder.

It's amazing how your life can make such a drastic course change without giving you any warning. This is the first time I can remember that I've felt like I'm not really the one in charge of where things are going for me. It's exilerating, and terrifying, and a little nauseating (but nearly so much for me as it is for 'lissa).

We've gotta find a good obstetrician.

User Journal

Journal Journal: I gotta sit down... 3

So. Home pregnancy tests. They give a lot of false positives... right?

Google says no, they don't.

Oh boy.
Deep breaths.

At least Melissa and I are married, I have a good job, and we wanted kids someday.

We'll have to make an appontment wth the doc tomorrow.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Questions: 2

What has the government under which you live done for you lately?

Was it something you couldn't have done (better?) for yourself? If so, what enabled the government to do this for you?


Journal Journal: Slooooooow flash banner 1

What is with that banner ad for Rackspace? Every time I load a slashdot page with this ad, my pc slows to a crawl. This is with Firefox 1.06, Macromedia flash 7, and a thoroughly up to date copy of XP, running on a 1.5GHz centrino with 512MB of RAM. Task manager shows firefox using 92% of of the CPU when this one cursed ad loads. What is the problem?

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