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Comment Re:I don't think so (Score 1) 459

No, anyone who hasn't had contact with DnD (Dungeons and Dragons) wouldn't know what the heck I am talking about.

PHB - Player's Handbook: The guide that every DnD player shouldn't be without, tells you how to create a character and level up, along with equipment and spell lists and anything else you need to play.
MM - Monster Manual: A listing of creatures (mostly evil 'Monsters') that may be encountered in the DnD universe, along with stats for each. A vital reference for DMs (Dungeon Masters).
DMG - Dungeon Master's Guide: The guide that every DnD DM shouldn't be without, tells you how to set up an adventure, how to create NPCs (Non-Player Characters, anyone not controlled by a player), how to run an adventure, and generally be the referee for the players.

If you are still curious after all that, try the wikipedia page on DnD, or, better yet, look up a group that plays in your area and give it a try. (just ask around any geek friends you have, someone knows someone who plays, trust me)

Oh, and OMFG is general AOL-speak for Oh My Fucking God, which I put in to be humorous both because of the fact that we are talking about God, and because of all the other Acronyms in the post. (Surgeon General's Warning - The use of AOL-speak in any situation where it is not used for humor may be hazardous to your intelligence. Please type responsibly.)

Comment Re:Will this be the future of racism? (Score 1) 459

Shutup nerd.

Except, if I was actually a Jock, I wouldn't have recognized the reference.

When you make a reference to 'geek cannon' you are actually broadcasting to anyone in your group that you are, in fact, a member of that group and are seeking solidarity with other members of that group.

By acknowledging that I recognize that reference, I am saying "Here I am, I am a part of your group." So this is all just reinforcing the us-vs-them thinking that the GP was talking about. (Notice how I use GP instead of saying grandparent post, or, heaven forbid, 'the post two posts up', this is another way of identifying myself as a part of a group, namely, the group of people who are knowledgeable about local slang. It's insidious, isn't it?)

Comment Re:I don't think so (Score 4, Insightful) 459 the darkness. And says "Let there be light."

OMFG guys! The bible is actually a PHB! Obviously Adam wrote the MM when he named all the animals, so that only leaves the DMG, which is obviously metaphorically referred to as "the tree of knowledge of good and evil."
Adam and Eve weren't kicked out of the garden for eating fruit! they were kicked out because they were peeking at the DM's notes!

Comment Re:Perhaps (Score 1) 844

90% of the problem is the conception that a barbie doll is a perfect 10. What you call a 6.8-7 (where did you get such precise numbers?) I would say is perfectly beautiful, variety is the spice of life!

Why do most of the people I know, men and women, think that there is one perfect body-type for each gender, and if you don't make the cut, better luck in another life.

It's sickening to see young girls striving for some media-inspired sense of beauty, and feeling like they will never be able to live up to the perfection that is expected of them when they would be much better off just accepting who they are being confident in their bodies.

Comment Re:take all of your concerns with marijuana (Score 1) 572

Or maybe it means that (Gasp!) most Americans would rather be free to choose what they want to do with their own bodies than be told by a government what they are and are not allowed to do like a three year old?
It's not like freedom is the core principal that our country was founded on or anything...

Comment Re:prohibition does not work (Score 1) 358

If 300 times the people are willing to download an album that now costs $15 for $.05, then they break even. Less than that because of markup, probably only costs them about $6 per album, so that's only 120 times the people to break even. All of this is on top of the sales they would (yes, still) have from selling physical albums.

Comment Re:Write once, reproduce more (Score 1) 154

I suspect that signatures, together with other low-security authentication mechanisms such as PINs and credit card numbers etc, are really only there so that when people do falsify or misuse them you can legitimately lock them up for various forms of fraud.

Rknpgyl. N fvtangher vf gb senhq nf ebg-13 vf gb QEZ. Abj cercner gb or QZPN'q. :)

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