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Comment Re:Nudity would be ok if not for Satan (Score 1) 585

I looked it up in my copy of the New Jerome's Biblical Commentary. The first association between the serpent and Satan was made by hellenist-jewish tradition, see Wisdom 2:24. Scholars date the writing of Wisdom to the last half of the 1st century BCE. So, no, its not "an assumption that Christians started to make because it made sense".

Comment Nudity would be ok if not for Satan (Score 2) 585

Nerds should care about the spread of Satanism. Its Satan's fault we wear clothes, have to work hard, and women have pain in childbirth, according to the Christian tradition.

He appeared as a snake in the beginning and fooled Eve and Adam into rebellion against God. The consequences of the rebellion are 1) shame from nudity, 2) hard work for sustenance, and 3) painful childbirth. See Genesis 3.

Those who support Satanism implicitly support these consequences. Only nihilists won't care about the spread of Satanism, but then do nihilists care about anything?

Comment yawn (Score 1) 641

There has always been a free and premium jdk from oracle.

We don't have enough information in this announcement about the difference between free and premium in technology, performance or price.

This announcement is much less important to java enterprises than it is to java detractors.

Comment be an active user (Score 1) 283

help specify requirements. discuss feature with project members. document existing features. teach your peers how to use it. evaluate multiple packages and blog. blog about these type of tools in general. show in your blog how to resolve common problems in the math knowledge domain with these tools.

I still haven't even had my coffee this morning.

Comment Silly and a waste of time (Score 1) 390

All employment is at the favor of the employer. If you check your employment contract, you'll likely find that the employer can discharge you for no reason at any time. You're gone.

Lets say you can prove you did not register the domain. You're still gone.

Lets say you can get your lawyer to convince your lawyer that it is the employer's burden to prove you did it. You're still gone.

Lets say your employer gets proof you did not do it. You're still gone.


Submission + - Hooked on Gadgets, and Paying a Mental Price (nytimes.com)

Zecheus writes: In the New York Times: 'Scientists say juggling e-mail, phone calls and other incoming information can change how people think and behave. They say our ability to focus is being undermined by bursts of information.' This is why slashdot readers infamously fail to RFA.

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