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Comment Re:Popcorn time! (Score 1) 376

So you see nothing wrong with a professor using his status to obtain sexual favors?

How can there be any thing wrong with it. An Professor to student power differential is much less than the President and a college intern differential. And, we all were told that that one did not matter at all. /sarc Tim S.


Submission + - Does Thinking Science Make People More Ethical?

alysion writes: "Per research published in the online journal PLOS One, psychologists Christine Ma-Kellams of Harvard University and Jim Blascovich of the University of California, Santa Barbara report, "Thinking about science leads individuals to endorse more stringent moral norms." covered the story. In one of the four supporting experiments, undergraduates considered an account of a date rape and were asked to judge behavior on a scale of 1 to 100. Science types, perhaps not surprisingly, proved to have a better grasp of reality, including the moral kind."

Comment Re:rewind 40 years (Score 1) 236

The problem is technically we can not build an Saturn V; the project was not documented well enough on what was done and for what reason. To much knowledge was only in people heads and never written down in one single place.

Tim S.

Comment Re:Degraded Performance (Score 1) 79

From your link; [] I am not sure which person the quote supports. Tim S.

*** Correction: It should be noted that Intel’s announcement about TRIM support only applies to single SSD’s that are present in a system with a RAID array, and not to a RAID array of SSD’s. ***

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