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Comment Re:systemd rules!!! (Score 2) 494

Who keeps modding these posts up? Using "journalctl -f" to view output from stderr to debug why daemons aren't starting is a feature I use often as part of my job.

Don't know about your job, years of running init rarely needed to debug or check why/if/when daemons aren't starting. on production systems. with users. with usb thingies. with eth failover.
Honestly, you fucking seriously mean to say THE FIRST PROCESS STARTED UPON BOOT NEEDS DEBUGGING and claim systemd is an improvement?!?!?

Comment Re:No use (Score 2, Funny) 66

How did you manage a score of two?

I created an account over 10-15 years ago, treated it with utmost care and love, only now and then jesting, but very cautiously and carefully.
With the occasional post, my precious karma went silently up and up, and up and up.
Until today, I felt the longing for OMG frist post, succumbed and finally blew it all on an Nvidia topic.

Perhaps on topic, what useful task would this card capabilities be insufficient for? (useful in the sense with video output)

Comment Re:Too early for criticism. (Score 2) 238

Spawning programs on public money is not a startup.
Key to success is to level the playfield for commercial activities (all contenders pay more or less identical tax, no monopolies) and spend money on activities that are not commercially viable yet valuable.
In short, you'll end up with effectively bureaucrats hopping from one program to another writing pretty money requests and/or companies squishing creativity.
For some constructive criticism, if anyone knows of a place succesful as mentioned above, please do share.

Comment Re:The real missed question (Score 1) 477

So the easiest solution for companies is to force people to come into the office.

Force? Last time I checked we agreed I attend and do some in exchange for a bundle.
Also, I'm pretty confident it's better business for let's say, any restaurant, to provide services in a consistent location?

Comment Re:Welcome to the USA (Score 1) 181

It is a comment on morality in war. Dresden was a historical cultural landmark without defenses; it was known to be of large wood constructions, it was known to harbour fugitives. This is exactly the reason why it was never bombed before.
(firebombing was in effect since 1942 on major German cities).
War has never been a place for ethics, ashing thousands of (civilian) people and claiming to save humanity is a fucking joke.
It didn't work either, because Japan had to be nuked twice afterwards.

“Dresden, the seventh largest city in Germany and not much smaller than Manchester, is also far the largest unbombed built-up the enemy has got. In the midst of winter with refugees pouring westwards and troops to be rested, roofs are at a premium. The intentions of the attack are to hit the enemy where he will feel it most, behind an already partially collapsed front, to prevent the use of the city in the way of further advance, and incidentally to show the Russians when they arrive what Bomber Command can do.” RAF January 1945

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