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Comment Re:This is cool but scary because of Great Filter. (Score 1) 67

This does not suggest something special is wiping out civilization.
It's not a conspiracy, the odds for creating life are very slim, let alone sustaining life over extended periods of time.
Any species in our imagination will consume its surroundings in one way or the other, so it seems logical that the species itself is destined to extinction.

Comment Re:This doesn't sound... sound (Score 1) 328

He will need all of his expertise in game theory to negotiate and try to get debts written off and a new batch of money.
The public has been promised as much and a grexit to Drachmes will immediately drop Greece into a 3rd world country (Greece depends fully on import).
So, EU will grudge and give some as EU's internal bank system is a shithole of interloans.
France, Italy and Spain will also want some after that.
Of course, in northern countries things start to get rumbling as well; all savings, retirement pays etc. are QE'd and bonjoured southwards..

Comment Re:Again, why? (Score 1) 169

If you have a MacBook, then OS-X already supports whatever the MacBook will be dealing w/.

Correct. I have an early 2011 macbookpro with all features supported. Since the battery life, performance and screen size is still sufficient today (after a $100 ssd upgrade), I will not be buying a new laptop soon.
The only thing going down hill is OSX. Either on subjective issues (cloud, playdoh) or objective ones (hardware requirements), so I better prep for alternatives.

Comment Re:Sounds good to me (Score 1) 138

I hear you, like StarTrek meets Planet of the Apes meets the Walking Dead: cue in geriatric Worf, zombie Troi (i feeeel nothing) and zombie Data (i neat human brains) chained to LaForge (my eyes, they're bleeding) and of course Riker (without the beard or screentime please).
Oh, and it would be nice if Crusher finally lived up to his expectations and fulfill the traveller's prophecy; I'm just so tiring of the waiting, encouraging this guy even well into his adulthood without even as much as an explanation. Helloo-o?!?

Comment Re:Just give the option to turn it off... (Score 1) 823

.. but you want to add noise to an otherwise silent engine just because people aren't used to silent cars?

I remember modelling bearings in a Swedish research centre using SGI's about 20 yrs ago, just for the sound (BMW, Mercedes).
Buyers tend to identify with their cars and pay the experience.

Comment Re:Attitudes (Score 1) 223

A video on Windows is a video, accessed through the appropriate API. You don't dynamically link to half a dozen libraries, hope they are there, and crash (or demand installation) when it isn't.

Either require libavcodec as dependency thru package manager or statically link it. Most freeware Windows transcoders include a version of libavcodec, no Windows specific video API is used.

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