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Comment Re:The relativity of time and learning (Score 1) 79

I found that my own perception of time improved remarkably after I stopped wearing a watch all the time. When I was 18 my watch was stolen, and I never bothered to get a new one. This was before mobile phones, nowadays I still don't wear a watch but I do carry a phone most of the time - although my perception of time is still pretty good. As you say, that could be age/experience rather than more practice when I was younger.

Comment Re:Photo Viewing Software (Score 1) 145

I have long wanted to know what photo viewing software they have on all the CSI and other style shows. They can take a blurry picture of a big area and zoom into a reflection in a window and tell you the license plate of car in the reflection or zoom into other things that all the software I have can't do.

MS Paint.

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It's a naive, domestic operating system without any breeding, but I think you'll be amused by its presumption.
