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Comment Re:Kinda pricy (Score 1) 314

Yes. Because investing in your nations infrastructure is a form if socialism. Well, at least according to enough tea party idiots in the US to block any attempt.

Well, that and the telcos have their hands far up the asses of our government. But doing away with that is messing with the free market, and thus also socialism. Basically, making things better==socialism. The only people who should have it good are corporations, which are also people—anything else is socialism.

Comment Re:Kinda big? (Score 1) 102

Grand Theft Auto for the iPad is some 600 megs. It could have been more but they didn't use full motion cut scenes like they do on their bigger console-based cousins. The lady routinely buys these Myst-like games that are around 500mb.

750mb ain't much for a good game provided you play it enough. Plus the trick is to buy them in iTunes on your PC and just sync them up to the I*.

Comment Re:One change I'd like (Score 1) 102

It isn't a shoddy gyro, it is just plain momentum. The iPad has a larger footprint than the iPhone and trying to rotate and shift it around to control a game in a precise manner is pretty difficult.

It sounds good in theory, and many apps have tried, but almost none if them work well.

Comment Clap clap clap. (Score 1) 314

Good news for some small sect of the US. Wake me when I can finally get more than 3mbit in the middle of Seattle up on Capitol Hill.

Qwest has been promising "OMG mega-fast Internet" for years now and they have yet to deliver. What gives?

Course I remember it being the same way when DSL was the new kid on the block. Took years before that was deployed everywhere. Remember trying to work out your distance to your central office to see if you would ever qualify?

Comment Re:Too Easy (Score 1) 291

Too bad that isn't netflix's call. The movie studios are the ones to blame, and I'm pretty sure they don't give a rusty rats ass if you can watch any movie on any media besides BluRay.

Though I have to wonder if Netflix has the political clout to tell the movie studios to piss off. I doubt it, they are completely dependent on said studios and making a hardline stance like "fuck you, we womt do business unless you remove the DRM" would be an easy to spot bluff. The movie studios have nothing to lose (in their mind) and everything to gain telling Netflix to take a hike.

Comment Re:Doing it wrong (Score 1) 214

They can only get away with the high price if they are comfortable selling to a small market of early adopters. If publishers want ebooks to go mainstream, they will have to lower the price to something quite a bit lower then the price of the dead-tree edition. Maybe like a third of the price or something.

When I looked into buying ebooks, I was floored they cost so much. Why bother when they dead-tree versions do more and cost less?

Comment Re:What's wrong? (Score 1) 214

I'm sorry, but I don't see the problem with this. What are pirates taking by copying data? How are they harming others?

Out of curiosity, what do you do for a living. And if you don't do anything yet, what is your plans for the future. Because if it is anything involving technology, the bread on your table and the roof over your head is the result of selling what is inside your head. Undermine the legals system in a way that devalues your gray matter, and you will be out on the street.

Comment Re:Silicon valley.... (Score 2, Funny) 162

It is prone to jitter. Plus only an analog connection can accurately reproduce the full color gamut that today's high end systems can generate. The same way audiophiles can hear the jaggyness of digital audio, many skilled developers can see the ones and zeros of such a digital link. With analog monster brand DVI cables, it is a pure waveform.

Your suggestion to use DSL is silly. DSL is prohibitively expensive. So expensive that only two kings in Prussia have such technology. Besides--what use is connecting two computers with a high speed link?

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