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Comment Re:In the US they picked the wrong chimp (Score 2) 187

"The average chimp doesn't communicate much better than other ordinary animals, like dogs"

While a lot of research was done with chips and apes on communication what is not widely known by your average Joe is that many other species also communicate quite well too. We have a large multi-generational pack of livestock working dogs on our farm. They have their own language, they use some English words, since we speak English, and they use quite a few sign language words with us as well. We understand some of their language as well as the signs and English they use with us. They also use some of the English and signs with each other an they teach these words and signs to their offspring passing it on generation to generation. They have names for each other and for us. That is communications, intelligence and smarts. They can also do some basic math such as counting, adding, subtracting, more, less, equals, etc and have long memories.

Comment He's Creating What He Despises. (Score 1) 58

So he used plastics and high tech to create more global warming problems to demonstrate his opposition to man's developments and climate change.

Interesting rationalization. I would have a lot more respect for him if he threw away all his worldly belongings and went and sat in the forest for a year eating nothing.

Comment Re:Great idea but let's make it more efficient (Score 1) 200

I guess you missed the part about if there was no return flight they could take along a lot more which would allow for a far larger airship. 100m is big. Make it bigger. The return equipment allowance would let it be 1,000m or more.

People like you are an example of lack of vision. Sad.

It's also sad that you feel so threatened that you resort to name calling. That's childish.

Comment Re:Why Steam? Why? (Score 0) 160

So what I hear you proposing is that the price in the USA should be 10x higher to subsidize Russian gamers. Sorry but no, Communism was done away with a long time ago. This is absurdity.

Simple solution: Don't buy Steam games. Easy peasy and they lose out all over the place. Any vendor who tries this junk should go down in flames.

Comment Good Decision (Score 1) 191

The decision was good. Apple did not have a monopoly. People could choose not to use Apple products and still listen to music. Not a big deal.

This was just a bunch of lawyers desperately looking to hit the jackpot. They were so creepy they had to find a new client to justify the case because none of their original clients qualified.

Even then they case was open and shut absurd and dumped.

"Following the decision, the plaintiff's head attorney said an appeal is already planned."

Aye, spoke like a true ambulance chaser.

What we need to have happen is that the judge should award damages to Apple for all their legal fees which the plaintiff and lawyers should then have to pay. If this was a basic part of the legal system it would quickly put an end to these nuisance lawsuits that are wasting the court's time and blocking valid cases from getting into court.

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