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Comment Re:Maybe Swedes would *prefer* it a bit hotter ind (Score 1) 567

Exactly. Warmer would be appreciated. Warmer is nice for those of us living in the north country. Please come farm through our -45ÂF winters and then pretty soon you'll appreciate a 10ÂF or 20ÂF rise in temperatures. Balmy.

Some of you are confused, very confused. I believe in global warming, I'm for it. I'm pro-warming. I'm pro-climate change. The best of times have been when our planet was warmer. Life and biodiversity flourished. The worst of times were during global cooling, the ice ages. Move north and get some perspective on this. Or just study geological history. Science rules.

Comment Stop Police! (Score 1) 131

So this will stop the police from commadeering your car for an emergancy as they run down the bad guys in the movies. New plot device.

Cop yanks citizen out of car throwing them to the pavement and says, "I'm taking your car for police business!"

Car says, "Fuck off Fuzz Face!" and turns itself off or maybe wraps the cop up in a strangle hold with the seat belt.

AI gone Sane!

Comment Praise the Courts (Score 4, Insightful) 532

Thank you! Government has no business telling us what we can eat and a whole host of other things. Government should be only doing big things like fighting off alien invaders, building interstate highways, governing on a meta scale, etc. What a person does with their own body is not the government's business. And no, it doesn't matter if they're providing healthcare either.

Bloomberg is an ass and an intrusive one at that.

Comment Rugged (Score 1) 427

It needs to be so rugged that it won't matter if it gets soaked in mud, chemicals on it, slammed against a concrete wall, in direct sunlight for hours, etc.

It needs to have it's own powering that will last for a week. Solar electric cell should be built into the face and band to constantly boost the energy levels. Kinetic powering caused by the swing of my arm to further boost the battery life.

If it had that and was essentially a smaller version of my iPodTouch/iPhone/iPad then it would be of interest.

And it has to be inexpensive. Oops.

Comment Wrong question (Score 4, Insightful) 538

"At a time when tuition prices are rising faster than ever, why are we skimping on the most fundamental aspect of college?"

You are asking the wrong question. It isn't "We" it is "They". Colleges are seen as the bastion of liberalism but they are run as businesses by over paid executives hired by boards of directors (trustees) with the goal of maximizing profits and endowments. There is no "We" in this question.

Comment Time to Learn Limits (Score 2, Insightful) 248

It is time for the courts to learn that they do not have control outside their jurisdiction. Canada can not control what other people do in other countries. Google can store and release the data in other locations, other countries. Canada, at most, can only control what happens within their totalitarianism regime's boarders. If Canadians want a police state then they need to learn that the control ends at their borders. Time for Google to stand up and stomp down on these inanities.

Comment Re:Good news (Score 1) 82

"For the voyeurs among us, it'll allow them to get a better look at those sunbathing nude in their backyards."

Gee... You must be looking at some freakin' huge sunbathing nudes? Whale watch much? 50 cm won't show you a human nipple, penis, crotch or even a face. 50 cm is nearly 20 inches. That's about as wide as someone's shoulders. That's one pixel. No, you won't be doing any voyeurism with this resolution.

"But beyond that, what will it offer?"

I farm. I do forestry. Higher resolution photos will help me do a better job of mapping our land.

Comment Not Available (Score 1) 309

'The Web is always available, except when it is not,'

That was dumb. And o-so-Goglish.

Maybe if you live in an urban area the web is nearly ubiquitous and nearly always on but even then the lights go out.

Out in more rural areas the web is not everywhere and not always on.

So Google's only talking for the half the population living in cities. Better have a paper back book available for when the lights go off, or relearn how to talk to other people...

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