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Comment 20/20 Hindsight (Score 1) 320

"Why Does Science Appear To Be Getting Things Increasingly Wrong?"

Probably because you have more difficulty looking at things that are in the future and near term but don't understand that the past has been largely settled.

To put it another way, your perceptions of the past being more accurate is caused by the filters of history and time. You aren't seeing all the chaff.

Comment The Pleasures of Paying Taxes (Score 3, Interesting) 111

The IRS is funding this research with the hope of getting tax payers to look forward to paying their taxes, more often, larger, bigger, huger! Pretty soon you'll want to shovel your money into the IRS pockets so that you can feel that pleasure. It will be better than sex, better than chocolate. There will be a resulting reduction in world obesity and population.

Comment Re:Which is Irrelevant (Score 1) 277

You might be right but here in the north the switch in DST doesn't do us any good either. The day light period gets short in the winter no matter how you shift the mid-point. We just deal with it. The switching back and forth of clocks is the hassle. Some, like computers connected to the internet, do it automatically. Others like the stove, microwave, etc have to be hand set, or ignored. Personally, it makes no difference to our own life schedule but then we work on a farm with the natural cycles, not with an office. For office workers it is more of a hassle I suspect.

Comment Which is Irrelevant (Score 2) 277

It doesn't matter which we go with, let's just pick one and stick with it year round. The natural cycles make it so that sunrise and sunset change dramatically from December to June. They can't legislate away the tilt of the Earth so let's start by accepting nature and science and do away with this nonsense of changing the clocks.

Comment Re:Farm (Score 1) 307

Your lack of imagination and drive is your problem. Look for land where it is cheaper. That's what I did. Worked. The money you spend on rent each month could instead be building you an asset. With renting you have nothing.

Comment Re:I'm so blue... (Score 1) 99

No, actually most of what is in my house was created by me and has never been to a city and mostly those things were created from materials right here on our own land. I have few possessions.

It's a very different world than you are used to, clearly.

Comment Farm (Score 1) 307

"Trying to find new jobs for billions of people is a good idea but obviously very hard because whatever the new jobs are, they will probably be so fundamentally different from anything that exists today that meaningful planning is almost impossible."

Return to the land. Farm. Raise up your own food and some extra. Harvest your own local fuel. Build your own house. All of these things are doable and it brings your cost of living to nearly nil. No need for 'jobs'. Be.

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