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Comment Re:Visa Waiver (Score 1) 784

I'm not sure about Canada but to get a Visa Wavier from Australia for the US you get asked about you mental health when filling it out.

Canadian citizens do not generally require a visa or visa waiver to get in. Normally all we have to fill out is the standard customs declaration form everyone has to on arrival (who are you, where are you coming from, where are you staying, what restricted stuff are you bringing in).

Comment Re:News just in (Score 1) 377

I didn't explain myself, but I was trying to illustrate that the capital cost of the solar plant was in line with the costs of other modern power plants, and not the ludicrously expensive boondoggle some others were suggesting.

Source of my figures:

By way of contrast, China has stated that it expects its costs for plants under construction to come in at less than $2000/kW and that subsequent units should be in the range of $1600/kW. This estimate is for the AP1000 design, the same as used by EIA for the USA. This would mean that an AP1000 in the USA would cost about three times as much as the same plant built in China. Different labour rates in the two countries are only part of the explanation. Standardised design, numerous units being built, and increased localisation are all significant factors in China.

Comment Re:pricing (Score 1) 377

No, that's just the capital cost to go out and build it tomorrow. Scrubbed coal and natural gas plants cost a third to a half that, but over the lifetimes of the plants their cost approaches nuclear plants' lifetime costs. Assuming the solar plant's infrastructure lasts as long as the others, I'd expect its lifetime cost to be lower.

Comment Re:Kid crashes toy hellicopter, news at 11:00 (Score 1) 190

It won't be long before one of these DO hurt or kill someone.

And by "won't be long" you mean last month:

Self-inflected rather than taking out a bystander, and in an area designated for RC flying, so not quite the same.

Comment Re:This is more sensationalism than any real threa (Score 5, Informative) 189

The study is more about the risks that power plants may not have enough water available, not that they are using it up. The plants are competing for the water with those that do consume it, such as agriculture and residential, exacerbated by long term drought cycles in some areas, and climate change.

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