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Comment Re:WHAT??!?! (Score 4, Interesting) 349

Also went to Blockbuster. We only use Blu-Ray and DVDs (no games or streaming). Netflix took so long to send us new releases (spent 2-3 weeks in the "Long Wait" queue) that my wife would usually rent from BB. We have a BB store within 10 minutes and now that they've gone to unlimited envelope exchanges in store, we are MUCH happier than we ever were with Netflix. Plus, BB gets new releases a week or two before Netflix.

Comment Re:How long do you think it takes? (Score 1) 376

Not as long as you would think. When players do something like this, they use a special program to wheel the numbers to get a good distribution and increase their odds of getting multiple winning tickets. After they select the numbers, they will sort the winning numbers and print them on the play slips. As long as they purchase the tickets in the correct order, the program will tell them which tickets are winners. Stacking the tickets in bunches (100, 200, 500, 1000) make searching easier, too. If the winning numbers are higher, the winning tickets will clump together.

Comment Nostalgia sucks (Score 1) 422

To me, punch cards, TI 99 4/A, BASIC, brick cell phones, 80386, Yggdrasil, WindowsXP, etc. are all the same, clutter. If I kept every nostalgic item I've ever used, I'd be swamped with a bunch of crap. When I want to revisit old times, I pull up an emulator and am reminded of how much I like things better now.

Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate the simplicity and outright genius required to make those old memory starved devices do as much as they did, but I like the newer stuff.

Comment Re:Are mainstream schools harmful? (Score 1) 203

I see your point. I did well in school but usually saw teachers as an obstacle and was in trouble for it quite often.

Those ideas seem like a better alternative to the current state of education, but, it still brings me back to my original point, the children need parents that care. Can we send them back to the new schools, too?

Comment Re:So close... (Score 1) 203

Your solutions would no doubt improve the school systems in those neighborhoods where the parents were already involved and the teachers and administrators haven't been "ground down by the system". I won't argue that at all. Nor will I argue that the our school system is not the best (being based on the Prussian system or to better serve an agricultural based economy).

Most of the "decent" school districts are turning out plenty of intelligent graduates (myself and I'm sure you are included). The problem with certain school districts is that no amount of money, better teachers, teaching systems or policies will change the system until the parents genuinely care about their children's education.

My point is that the bottom of the education curve is a repeating cycle of parents that don't care enough about their children to break this cycle. I don't believe giving them a guaranteed monthly income is going to change anything.

Comment Old news (Score 0) 295

Not that surprising if you've read the book "The Accidental Billionaires". They specifically mention that there is one person dedicated to writing a PHP compiler and compiling all Facebook PHP.

Also, I don't understand why they don't use one of the currently available PHP compilers, phc or Roadsend. It's possible they started their initiative earlier, but they should have announced it and possibly prevented some duplicate work.


Submission + - Poll suggestion

hmckee writes: When driving, I usually commit the following offense... 1. Failure to Stop 2. Speeding 3. Failure to Signal 4. Failure to Yield 5. Failure to use a seat belt 6. Talk on the cell phone 7. Illegal use of carpool lane

Comment Compiling over ssh (Score 3, Interesting) 412

Plus you can compile over ssh.

It's nice to be able to compile a local directory with M-x compile, then you can jump to errors in the offending file from the *compilation* window.

You can also set to do remote compile from emacs by putting something similar to this in your .emacs:

;; remote compile support
(setq remote-compile-host "hostname")
(setq remote-shell-program "/usr/bin/ssh")
(setq default-directory "/home/username/compileDir")

No you can compile on the remote host AND bring up offending files from the compile output window with the click of a button.

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