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Comment Good Riddance (Score 0) 42

Metal Gear is a great game, but after playing through most of the series all I can say is "good riddance." Hideo seems rather arrogant and self-indulgent, his ego leaves too big of an imprint on the game and tarnishes its quality. Getting rid of him is no guarantee it will get better, but at least there's a chance.

Comment Re:Convenience (Score 1) 214

First, software that you make for yourself and don't let others use. Not even through services. Google and Facebook are considered non-free in that regard

Right, but that's not what I'm asking about. If they're considered non-free, they don't fit the criteria of "free software" but not "open source software." I get how something can be "open source" but not "FIAF", I was looking for examples of the opposite.

Comment Re:Convenience (Score 1) 214

That's because there's close relationships between "free (as in freedom) software" and "open-source." Neither is a proper sub-set of the other though.

Bolded part has me curious. What sort "free software" would not fall under the looser defintion of "open source" at the same time?

Comment Re:CODE Keyboard (Score 1) 452

I honestly never tried their keyboards. After overpaying for the mouse and gamepads, and seeing how expensive the keyboards were, decided to stick with the old Model M and grabbed a Logitech G600 mouse instead. That's lasted me a year so far, and was much cheaper.

Comment Re:Ergo! (Score 1) 452

you are more likely to replace the keyboard because it's input port has disappeared on your new computer than because it has stopped functioning.

Not until there are no more adapters to be had, dammit!

Though if I end up having to chain a third one in there, I'll probably have to work out some kind of hack for weight support...

United States

How To Execute People In the 21st Century 1081 writes Matt Ford writes in The Atlantic that thanks to a European Union embargo on the export of key drugs, and the refusal of major pharmaceutical companies to sell them the nation's predominant method of execution is increasingly hard to perform. With lethal injection's future uncertain, some states are turning to previously discarded methods. The Utah legislature just approved a bill to reintroduce firing squads for executions, Alabama's House of Representatives voted to authorize the electric chair if new drugs couldn't be found, and after last years botched injection, Oklahoma legislators are mulling the gas chamber.

The driving force behind the creation and abandonment of execution methods is the constant search for a humane means of taking a human life. Arizona, for example, abandoned hangings after a noose accidentally decapitated a condemned woman in 1930. Execution is also prone to problems as witnesses routinely report that, when the switch is thrown, the condemned prisoner "cringes," "leaps," and "fights the straps with amazing strength." The hands turn red, then white, and the cords of the neck stand out like steel bands. The prisoner's limbs, fingers, toes, and face are severely contorted. The force of the electrical current is so powerful that the prisoner's eyeballs sometimes pop out and "rest on [his] cheeks." The physical effects of the deadly hydrogen cyanide in the gas chamber are coma, seizures and cardiac arrest but the time lag has previously proved a problem. According to Ford one reason lethal injection enjoyed such tremendous popularity was that it strongly resembled a medical procedure, thereby projecting our preconceived notions about modern medicine—its competence, its efficacy, and its reliability—onto the capital-punishment system. "As states revert to earlier methods of execution—techniques once abandoned as backward and flawed—they run the risk that the death penalty itself will be seen in the same terms."

Comment Mod Parent: Bullshit (Score 0) 169

I'd love to spend these mod points sending your bullshit DailyBeast link back down to the -1 Flamebait that it deserves, but this level of idiocy is worth calling out. That dirtbag Nungesser raped her and several others and the author of that article Cathy Young has built a career out out of rape-denial pieces - consistently manipulating details to fit her bullshit narrative.

Mods, if you have *any* interest in this story, there is plenty more detail to this story that you can read over here.

Please don't mod parent up, it's dishonest undeserving bullshit.

Signed with UID,

Comment Re:the solution to their perceived problem (Score 1) 98

You can't prove a negative in a deductive sense but you can in an inductive sense. If little of the available evidence suggests that a proposition is true while much of the evidence suggests an alternative proposition is true, then the first proposition is unlikely to be true.

"Unlikely to be true" isn't the same as "proven negative." When discussing logic, "proof" has a specific meaning.

That said, your example/reasoning is mistaken, but you're underlying point is not. It is sometimes possible to prove a negative by contradiction (proving that the affirmative is impossible).

Comment Junk App (Score 3, Informative) 367

I recently downloaded the app and gave it a spin that lasted about two weeks. It's a new spin on a very old concept but it doesn't work well at all.

That 1.5 mile radius is incredibly limiting - if you start a conversation at home you can't participate in it once you get to work. The anonymous comments are filled with so much bitching and whining of spoiled brats it really makes me resent the student body at my local university. There's a huge amount of group-think that's baked into the app itself - say something unpopular and earn just a few downvotes and Yik Yak will delete your comment forever. That's when it's not losing your comments to begin with: that crappy service lost nearly 20% of my comments, but continued to alert me for updates to conversations that have completely disappeared.

TL;DR - Yik Yak is a gimmick and a poorly made one at that.

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
