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Comment Re:Just don't upgrade the kernel with nvidia close (Score 2, Interesting) 185

text files, which are slow and unreliable to parse

require a separate config file interpreter in each program

[user]-specific diretories like .config, .kde, and .gconf,... just add to the mess

None of this is true. Stop believing everything about Linux you hear from your local Microsoft retailer. Drop the prejudice against the people you consider "try hards" and figure out why they're trying so hard and what it is they're trying to do.

IMO Windows Registry is way nicer than what Linux has got.

This would be considered a reasonable and well-informed decision if the Windows Registry wasn't the most twisted and corrupted unreliable piece of garbage-ware ever conceived and any of your above arguments about Linux were even remotely educated.

Comment Re:~45yrs of buffer overflows... (Score 1) 127

As soon as Ruby can walk the walk that they so brazenly talk while maintaining an acceptable performance level. People who *don't* design languages for a living still have to care about how the execution times for simple tasks affects their clients' operating costs. A true carpenter doesn't blame his tools for his own mistakes.

Comment Re:I propose a test ... (Score 5, Insightful) 167

That isn't any sort of a problem for LIDAR at sufficient resolution. It remains to be seen whether it can sufficiently improve traffic flow and accident incidence/mortality rates, but personally I'm more worried about asshats who will purposefully try cloak their cars so that the automated sensors can't even see them at all, just in some misguided attempt to try to prove self-driving cars as unsafe to protect "muh freedomz!"

Don't get me wrong, I'm personally not interested in one of these self-driving contraptions, but its pretty apparent during any rush hour(s) that at least 90% of the drivers on the road couldn't beat a self-driving car's computer for accuracy to save their own lives on a good day.

Comment Re:Original Quake too (Score 1) 251

I would really really really like to see the original Quake remade with a modern 3d engine, but otherwise completely the same down to the physics.

There was actually an open source project to modernize the rendering effects in Quake I. I remember seeing screenshots quite a few years ago. I have no idea where its at now or if its still maintained but I'm sure it existed and suspect it probably can still be located.

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