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Comment Re:Dude. (Score 3, Insightful) 2166

Just so you know, he didn't make the flag-burning video, just favorite of his. The ones he did make definitely have a feeling of insanity, but there is a kernel of libertarianism to them (which, is some part of the tea party movement that the religious right hasn't co-opted). Only a kernel, though, as you point out the are other things that don't fit.

Comment Re:first? or third? (Score 1) 186

If you're not trying to impress people, why are you spending so much effort communicating your opinions on this topic? I see that you mean to posit the large black hole just to account for the colliding galaxy observation and perhaps not as a general mechanism to account for missing matter wrt galaxy rotation. My apologies, since I seem to upset you, but I stand by my opinion that the arguments (yours and others) for and against in this forum should be taken with a huge grain of salt: it seems to lack input from experts in the field. So I don't take it seriously.

PS - I like your T-shirts.

Comment Re:first? or third? (Score 1) 186

From what I've read, a large central mass (e.g. black hole) cannot account for the observed rotation. The mass needs to be spread throughout and even beyond the observable galaxy. I appreciate your question everything attitude, but I'm not impressed with what you know about the field to take you seriously.
The Almighty Buck

Getting Paid Fairly When Job Responsibilities Spiral? 495

greymond writes "I was originally hired as an Online Content Producer to write articles for a company website as well as start up the company's social media outlets on Facebook and Twitter. With budget cuts and layoffs I ended up also taking over the website facilitation for three of the company's websites (they let go of the current webmaster). During this time the company has been developing a new website and I was handed the role of pseudo project manager to make sure the developer stayed on course with the project's due date. Now that we're closer to launch the company has informed me that they don't have the budget or staff in place to set up the web server and have tasked me with setting up the LAMP and Zend App on an Amazon EC2 setup. While it's been years since I worked this much with Linux I'm picking it up and moving things along. Needless to say I want to ask for more money, as well as more resources (as well as a better title that fits my roles), but what is the best way to go about this? Of course my other thought is that I'd much rather go back to writing and working with marketing than getting back into IT."

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