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Comment There are Laws about that, from the 1970s... (Score 4, Insightful) 323

Retaining knowledge of both software and business requirements is the 4th of Lehman's Laws of Software Development, Conservation of Familiarity.

And that law is from 1978. Such knowledge isn't even as recent as the 1980s (a lesson approaching 40 years in age, I was five at the time...), it should be basic guidance at this point in time.

Anyone that doesn't realize how important knowledge of the business and operations are is one that should be ignored completely.

Advice: Always seek to learn as much as possible about the business and how it operates/interacts with the external world. This is the secret to NOT being disposable. It's also a great way to meets VP and C-Level executives.

Submission + - MtGox finds 200,000 BTC in old wallet.

thesandbender writes: Today has news that BTC "found" 200,000 BTC coin a "forgotten" wallet that they thought they was empty. The value of the coins is estimated to be $116 million USD, which happens to cover their $64 million USD in outstanding debts nicely and might offer them the chance to emerge from bankruptcy. There is no explanation, yet, of why the sneaky thieves that "stole" the bit coins used a MtGox wallet to hide them.

Comment Re:Experience Matters But So Does Price (Score 1) 379

This is where right to hire, say on a 1-month but extendable (monthly basis) can really help. Every organization should have one or two "true pros" that can spot frauds and lead architecture and strategy (not the CIO, someone in the trenches to do things like code reviews and standards enforcement).

Right to hire has become popular in IT (at least in the midwest), and I don't see any downsides unless a company keeps a valuable contributor off the payroll so long that they seek greener pastures (I've seen that a few times). It allows the contractor to "prove themselves" and it allows a company to let a poor performer go without fuss ("your contract has not been renewed").

Comment Re:Fly me to Mars or even to the Moon. (Score 1) 401

I don't care who is doing it, I'm just glad the effort is being made by the government.

When the fossil fuel party starts to fade the world will, per the Chinese curse, become more interesting. And not to our species benefit.

Not that I expect anything of substance to change. Such is the nature of reality.

Comment Re:Now that's news for nerds (Score 1) 519

Well maybe shoes need to have cameras built in?

Maybe call it a "Glass Shoe" (maybe Google could produce it, at least if "Glass" is in the name). Good for princesses and the general public.

Aside from photography uses, it could warn users of particularly trippy cracks in the sidewalks and alert them of impending changes in elevation (sinkholes seem to be a bigger problem these days).

Further, as an photographer, viewpoint is very fluid (elevation changes are common, usually I want to be higher up when taking photos).

Of course I'm mostly interested in taking photos "up the leaves" of trees and such. I also like to catch lightning in the act, if you know what I mean. Privacy concerns be dammed (like a river). My puns have had a run but now I am done.

Comment Re:Ringing in my Ears (Score 1) 268

I go camping a lot, sometimes for 2-3 days with no other sounds than nature and my family (I solo camp quite a bit as well).

After a long day of quiet I lay down to fall asleep and listen to both the ringing in my ears and the sounds of nature. In almost all circumstances I hear better than my wife and others, very quiet sounds are rather clear (twig snap, rustle in the woods, etc.). But put me in a situation where the background noise is around human speech frequencies and you will need to speak rather loudly for me to discern your words. I suck at dinner parties, "what?" is the thing I talk about the most (never liked them anyway...).

I know when it all started. When I was 14 I got to shoot a 22 revolver for an afternoon, without ear protection. With my ears still ringing two days later I went to my first concert, Iron Freaking Maiden!! My ears rang for about 4 days after (very clear memories). Since then I've been to well over 100 concerts and played out about the same amount, all without hearing protection (with lots of ear ringing). Seeing Pantera, Slayer, and Testament together in a small venue caused the longest ringing I've ever had (great show though).

These days I seek silence because I know the damage is done and it cannot be undone at this point. I can close my eyes almost anytime and hear the ringing (even at a concert, because of the ear protection I wear these days). I've wondered if sleeping with a fan running contributes to the damage (sleeping or hearing, which would I prefer? I choose sleep).

Comment Re:Make desktop Windows free, raise server prices? (Score 1) 392

If you go full MS stack you get very good discounts, per someone I work with (we used to use other BI products a lot). And the stack isn't bad with SQL Server, SSIS, Analysis Services, and MSDN Ultimate subscriptions for developers, where I work.

I don't know the discount level, but I know the costs are nothing like the Oracle licenses at my prior job.

Comment Re:Tempted to Bite the Apple Arizona....? (Score 1) 917

If hell is full of fire then Arizona is a suburb (this works well given the attempted legislation of Hate, the wool is thick over their eyes - when I was religious, briefly as a child, I was taught tolerance and acceptance were the true message of Jesus, these folks are working for the dark side and don't even realize it - the deception of the dark one has them entranced by hatred, almost enough to make me believe again... - UCC as a child for the record, baptized by Sledgehammer's father, Reverend Rashe, in my grandmother's home - name drop...).

I've lived in Arizona (2001-2005), it is a terrible place to live (referring to Phoenix/Scottsdale - a bland suburb as far as the eye can see, to their credit, Williams and Flagstaff were very nice to visit). Good for vacations though, and the Grand Canyon is just that.

Comment Are there good uses? (Score 1) 149

Are there specific use cases or patterns where reactive programming may excel, and be integrated into a more traditionally developed system (to minimize reactive complexity through human written code complexity - no way around the complexity...)?

I have no reactive application experience, just wondering if it is possible and if it could be beneficial.

Comment Of course not... (Score 2) 716

Didn't read the article or any comments, this is Slashdot afterall... Consider a couple of situations.

Bugs Due to Lack of Knowledge or Incompetence

This should lead to the person in question leaving the company. I've seen it at the C level and have successfully recommended it at the developer levels (so and so isn't working out, then they are out).

Accidental Bugs

I may write a bug everyday. Seems like I do after UX/QA/UAT testing. Fixing them is part of the job, not my personal life.

Call a bug a mistake then executives (and managers) make mistakes all of the time. At the C-level, strategies are altered and hopefully the new course is better. No guarantee (see Incompetence above). We all deal with our own mistakes (and it is up to the individual where to spend extra time and effort).

The same mistake (or an unknown, very common in my experience) by regular employees (BA, IA, QA, UAT, etc.) is essentially the same. Missing something, or letting a bad situation through, is similar in spirit to a bug. People should accepts their mistakes, correct them, and continue on. If not, see Incompetence above.


Give me a complete set of perfect requirements (UI included) and I can deliver using the best architecture approaches possible, every time.

If not, see the Incompetence above.

But perfect documentation/design isn't possible in reality, so bugs (coded or designed) will occur.

Fixing them is just part of the job until Incompetence is identified, see the Incompetence above.

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