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Comment Re:How I know that Russian troops are not in Ukrai (Score 1) 254

"Ukrainian politicians, if they want to have a hope in hell of keeping control of their own country, should stop blaming others for the deep dark hole that they got their country into, for their own internal civil war, and sort it out amongst themselves, pronto. Otherwise, Ukraine will end up being parceled out between Russia, Romania, Hungary and Poland."

Which would be probably the best solution anyway.

Comment Re:Wait.... what? (Score 0, Troll) 254

Last time I checked, Ukraine was fighting a separatist movement that wants to liberate the east of Ukraine after a coup occured in Kiev. If the separatists have the support of the majority of the local people, why would we oppose them? When the Serbian province of Kosovo wanted independence, the US was very quick to recognize it as a separate state...

Comment Stupid namecalling (Score 3, Insightful) 531

Calling something "Marxist" seems like an attempt to make further discussion unnecessary, comparable when in more civilised countries something is called "fascist". And calling someone who pleads for unbrideled capitalism as |leading to American situations" is also supposed to cut off further discussion, as no sane person wants that to happen.

Comment Re:Way for *any hacker* to brick your phone (Score 1) 299

It will not be used by hackers, it already has been used by hackers in Australia. Some implementor of such software got hacked in Australia, and a lot of people found their phones bricked, displaying a message that they would be unbricked if they payed using some voucher card.

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"Spock, did you see the looks on their faces?" "Yes, Captain, a sort of vacant contentment."
