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Comment Re:Contempt of Citizen (Score 1) 819

And if they win the lawsuit (which they should), the city will have to pay them damages, which means higher taxes. NOW THAT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE! Arrest the cops, judges, prosecutors and ordinance officers for trying to enforce an extremely stupid law. There should be a federal law for this type of dumb shit. Sorry, I don't want to hear, "Oh, but I was taking orders so I have to enforce this stupid law.". Sorry, but enforce this, and you should go directly to jail. I can bet my life that such stupid stories like this will NEVER HAPPEN. Civil lawsuits only harm the community. Lock the enforcers (judges, cops, city ordinance dumb-fucks) up in jail for a few years and see that my way will work...

Comment Re:Climate change is a security threat (Score 0) 417

Chemical FACTS: - CO2 absorbs sunlight and converts it to heat. - There is "stuck" CO2 in the oceans and land. - Higher temperature will force more CO2 out of the water and land (much like warming pop soda). This is called Henry's Law, again, scientific fact. - Put two and two together you stupid neocon! High temperature will force more CO2, which will raise the temperature which will force more CO2 will raise the temperature which will force more CO2 which will raise the temperature which will force more CO2 which will raise the temperature which will force more CO2 which will raise the temperature which will force more CO2 which will raise the temperature which will force more CO2 which will raise the temperature which will force more CO2 ... Get it? You stupid, fucking neocon freak?

Comment There's one solution that always works: AIRGAP (Score 0) 462

That's right you dumb mutha-humpers, you do NOT connect critical infrastructure to the internet. PERIOD. Do this any you'll see the amount of "attacks" go to ZERO. This is all hype for certian defense companies to rape the US Government out of the tax-payers money. AIRGAP critical infrastructure and all your worries will be gone permenantly. THE END.

Comment Obama hasn't been in office for 9 months!! (Score 0, Troll) 660

Give him and his "real Mcoy" cabinet some time to correct the literal and figurative destruction left by Fuck-Up Incorporated Bush and Cheney. The American economy can recover if Obama has the guts to force criminal prosecutions of many of the "Old American Family" institutions and their bratty sons and daughters that have royally fucked this country up. I also see major cuts (and I mean MAJOR CUTS) in Defense in Obama's second term as president to Power Burst the American economy into overdrive. Watch and me... Mark this slashdot message for the future in 5 years. :)

Comment Re:He's A Jerk (Score 1) 320

This isn't a police office nor a police department but a gang with blue shirts. The FBI needs to investigate. If found guilty, the chief needs to be made a *CLEAR EXAMPLE* of police gangsta's. Lock him up for 100 years, take his house, his pension, *EVERYTHING* then publicize it to give a clear warning to other police chiefs and offices.

Comment Re:Another dumb law with no way to prove one was (Score 1) 620

Of course they keep logs, but do you think the state trooper will know? Or care? Of course not, nor do most care. "That's what the judge and jury are there." It's a variation of "Shoot them all and let God sort them out.", but little do they realize (or care), they being arrested can involve money, time, stress and maybe your health and job even though you are innocent. The USA has wayyyy too many BS laws, with too many BS law enforcement. We need to reduce them by 80-90%...

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