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Comment sure (Score 1) 223

yeah let's go from motion control to using a tablet with buttons, that's really what we wanted
I think nintendo will really fuck up this time with the wii u, having more power than ps3 and 360 right now it's useless, we have seen this with pc gaming for years, developers won't make better games for one platform, and when the new playstation and xbox will come out the wii u hardware will be already obsolete, also if the games are mostly the same of pc/ps3/360 why whould I buy it, just to play with that half-assed controller? or maybe to play another mario? I'm tired of playing mario, especially the 3d one.
Imho right now the best combination is pc+ps3, with pc you get 90% of the multiplatform games and with the ps3 you get a lot of nice first party games, the xbox 360 aside from halo and gears of war, doesn't have any exclusive that you can't play on either pc or ps3, same thing with the wii/wii u you get mario and zelda but that's it

Comment python (Score 1) 510

python would be the best imho, you don't even need to write the code on a file, just start the python shell and play with it, for the gui use pyqt4 signal and slot are easy to understand, ruby might also be good, I think it has a shell too
Another good "all in one" option might be C# .NET it's easy to create gui interfaces, AFAIR event handling is quite easy too you just need to click on the object and select the event from a list and it will automatically create the function, one of the best thing about C# if you use visual studio(all versions) is intellisense, you don't have to waste time looking at the api to find a function

Comment Re:BS Article (Score 1) 445

and here I thought that slashdot usesr could use google to solve problems, it's the second time in two days that I have to say this on slashdot, set extensions.checkCompatibility.5.0 (replace the number with your version or nightly for nightly build) to false

Comment Re:5 FINAL??? (Score 1) 282

And that doesn't even consider how this crap breaks plugins... Literally half the plugins I currently run, I had to edit the install.rdf just to get around the damned version check (after which, they all work just fine of course).

or you could have set extensions.checkCompatibility.5.0 (replace the number with your version or nightly for nightly build) to false

Comment I hope (Score 1) 300

I hope they purge their gui designer too, I'm still using skype 3.8 because of the horrible chat interface of skype 4 and 5, for example these days everyone has a widescreen, so why the fuck they waste vertical space by putting a huge contact list on the top instead of leaving it to the right? the chat content doesn't automatically resize with the window, you have to drag it, also there is no big visual difference between your and others text, with skype 3 you get a big blue/gray bar before the text, with skype 4-5 it's very subtle since it's only the nickname that changes color
I don't use osx but I've seen that they made a gui contest, this is the one that is winning right now http://macthemes.skype.com/themes/54 I wonder if skype mac user will become epileptic after using this theme :P

Comment Morons (Score 1) 848

we had the chance to undo the terrible mistake we did 25 years ago, but again people proved to be a bunch of morons following FUD spreaded by politician that transformed this into a political matter rather than scientific

Comment Re:defence against MacDefender (Score 1) 314

"Apple is planning to release an update specifically designed to protect users against the MacDefender malware that has been circulating for the last couple of weeks. The update for Mac OS X will automatically find and remove the malware on an infected machine and also will warn users if another infection attempt is detected"

What defence is there against the end users downloading and running MacDefender and giving up the Admin password?

quite easy, to protect the end user apple will remove the admin account, every time an application will require admin access a pray wil be sent to steve jobs himself and he'll decide to allow or deny it


Submission + - Nokia announces start of Qt 5 development (nokia.com)

jrepin writes: "To also, in the future, be a leading edge development framework across multiple industries, Qt needs to continue to renew itself. Given that Qt is moving into open governance mode in the upcoming months, Lars wanted to share his thinking with the Qt community in order to kick off the discussions about what he sees as the technical architecture for Qt 5."

Comment who to blame? (Score 0) 306

I know slashdot likes to bash sony, but this time sony exec are not at fault, it's not like they are the one who choose to run a server without a firewall, so it's some sysadmin that did something stupid, also it was probably the same sysadmin who went rogue, after all sony is moving its datacenter to a new location, yeah they were probably planning to do that from quite some time, but now instead of restoring the psn as fast as possible they want to move everything too

Comment Re:not just theory (Score 1) 251

Of course, not that I'd necessarily trust Sony after their lack of honesty and transparency throughout this fiasco ("oh just a PSN outage / actually some account info has been stolen / actually CC info has been compromised").

I really don't see any lack of transparency, nobody sane would disclose a security breach while they are still investigating it, even open source software don't do that, for example in kde vulnerabilities are kept "secret" in the packagers mailing list for some days so every distro has the time to patch up and then they are disclosed to the public

Comment Re:Blog comments (Score 2) 174

It is interesting, as all "normal" PSN logins used for commenting on that blog expired last week. The cooking keeping them "logged in" to the blog had a 1 week expiration. I guess that only leaves Sony employees to be able to actually log in and comment.

wrong, that's the eu playstation blog and as you can see there is no comment there http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2011/05/01/some-playstation-network-and-qriocity-services-to-be-available-this-week/
the us version probably has a longer expiration date or maybe they don't expire at all, also sony itself warned about the cookie expiration ONLY on the eu blog http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2011/04/28/issue-with-leaving-comments/

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