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Comment Re:One for one (Score 2) 254

Wish I could mod up. I get an untold amount of shit for currently working in PHP (I've had plenty of experience in C++, C, Perl, Python, etc.). Cleaning up others code and deploying a custom built framework pays my bills (quite well). If you use the right framework or build one yourself then security shouldn't be an issue. Granted, PHP let's you get away with a lot of dumbassery that other languages don't, but as a programmer if you're not parameterizing your queries and sanitizing outside variables then you deserve all of the horrible things that will happen to you. There will always be elitism in any field, and sometimes it just feels like PHP is the stinky kid on the playground that always gets bullied.

I do completely agree that the function list and needle/haystack confusion is unconscionably bad.

Comment Re:Indoctrination and Propoganda (Score 1) 356

Ah, but those aren't "real" Christians. Only me and my sect have the real truth, therefore only my particular flavor of Christianity should be taught. Everything else is pure heresy. I'm pretty sure the historical Jesus would be aghast at all of the atrocities and hatred committed in his honor.

Comment Re:Indoctrination and Propoganda (Score 4, Insightful) 356

If there were a push for Islamic religious indoctrination in school, the humanists of the world (which I proudly consider myself one of) would be just as against it. So please, take your persecution complex back to church where you can pretend to be more Christ-like while screwing the poor and pushing your religious agenda on the rest of us. Your freedom of religion is no more important than my freedom from religion.

Comment Re:Discouraging underage use? (Score 4, Interesting) 526

I'm no medicalologist, but I have to imagine that mass consumption of any mind-altering chemical (tobacco, alcohol, caffeine, etc.) while the brain is still developing will have an effect. The question is, is it worth keeping our prisons full of non-violent offenders to discourage their use?

Comment Re:Shades of Blake's 7 (Score 5, Insightful) 401

My two favorite ST episodes were DS9. Far Beyond the Stars and In the Pale Moonlight. Both were kinda dark, but you're right...the power that they had was being a culminating part of a larger story. The writing was also great, unlike any other Trek series, the characters had depth and moral ambiguity. Much more like people I'd actually meet than one-dimensional paragons of virtue.

Comment Re:YES PLEASE! (Score 1) 401

No place to go? It's an infinite universe with an infinite timeline. Therefore, there are an infinite number of things that could happen that don't involve interactions with anyone important and therefore don't affect the timeline. You could write a story about the war between the Vulcans and the Romulans, for one. That's never been explored in any depth. Heck, that could be an entire series by itself, with almost no risk of significantly violating the canon.

Gawd yes! There are so many interesting stories that could be told, why are we constantly subjected to the same point-of-view and point in history? I would love to see a mini-series about this. I don't think it's enough for an entire run, but it would likely be too much to force into a movie.

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