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Comment Re:Sanitizing Untrusted Input (Score 1) 61

> It's not that hard when I do it.
(...ehm, let's make sure we get the context right on that one.)

Of course, with you HeartBleed wouldn't have happened either I bet. Still really old code, open source and used almost everywhere, but it took years to catch it.
Never say never, it's so easy to judge with hindsight.

Comment backdoors become accessible to everyone eventually (Score 1) 255

Besides the obvious privacy concerns, wouldn't backdoors give terrorists and other bad guys a new, incredibly useful attack vector? As soon as a common backdoor is implemented on all devices, that would immediately become the most valuable target for hackers. What if a government employee goes rogue or is "convinced" to share information on how to gain access. What about the devs who implement the backdoors? You're never going to keep that secret. As the story goes, all architects and builders of the Taj Mahal were killed after finishing the project to protect the secrets of their trade. Is that the next step to "protect" us?

Comment very much overpriced (Score 1) 675

Even if I were considering a subscription, which I am most definitely *not*, I'd say $52 / year is ridiculously overpriced.

It compares in no way to the ad revenue that I'd generate, and I also think it's an exaggeration of the value of their content.
I do pay for Google Drive expanded storage ($6 / year) Reddit Gold ($30 / year), but only because I'm spending most of my web time using these services.

Those 3 or 4 articles a year I'd read on Wired will be covered elsewhere and won't be missed at all.

Comment What if I don't want to?! (Score 0) 242

Can you please stop whining about tech career discrimination? Ever considered that people might actually *not want* to work in IT?

There are less girls in tech, because girls generally find it boring. And it's their right to have that opinion. Stop trying to change the world to your miserable, limited view of how it should be.

Older programmers don't work because they cashed big when they were the rockstar programmers themselves 30 years ago and now are in early retirement. Or they no longer need to markets themselves because they are chased by headhunters anyway.

Please stop this sick communistic world view that everyone should be exactly the same, isn't diversity and freedom to develop yourself something that America was once proud of? Get off my lawn you dirty commies!!

Comment Re:A service to the community: release the text (Score 1) 104

The analogy would be a bit different for a TOR exit node, I'd think. You'd be carrying the safe, but as soon as stuff is put in there, you can see what is going in and where it came from. The only thing an exit node can not see is whom it is addressed to. So there is some level of knowledge that an exit node could have, although they can't point a finger to whom is loading it. Then again, whether you choose to log any of it or not is an entirely different matter. You could also rightfully claim to not have any logs or records for a regular web server for that matter (send all output to /dev/null), but I assume non-tech people would be harder to convince of that.

Comment Re:And I'm the feminist deity (Score 1) 446

> It is very frustrating, and I don't know what the solution is

It's probably more frustrating to all the girl you're trying to push into a career they're not interested in.
Stop forcing your will onto people! Let them develop their own lives!

The fact someone chooses another career path than what you had in mind for them is NOT a problem.

Crazy Americans trying to 'cure' gays and force girls to program.
Bunch of fascist brain washers!

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