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Comment Re:... Film from a game... (Score 1) 298

Warcraft mythology is very unique and involving. There are so many angels that they could come from such as starting early in time when the titans were molding azeroth to the first great war by the burning legion through the well of eterntity. They could start with the more recent storyline started by Warcraft III or create a story in between WC3 and WoW. The only other franchise that has as deep a story behind it would be Magic TCG. Any who, if blizzard is going to be involved in production then I think they will fine tune it to give the impression they are shooting for as they have done in each of their games. I would also be interested in if they movie is going to be CGI or live-action. Blizzard has done some pretty nice looking cut scenes for their games that I would be interested in seeing how this works out. Also you can read up on Warcraft mythology on WoW's home page.

Submission + - hacking publishing with the Amazon Kindle (amazon.com)

Daniel Oran writes: "Before the Amazon Kindle, writers wrote books and readers read them. Period. Now, with Kindle, readers can talk back — before a book is even finished. Kindle appeared just as I was completing a second novel, so I decided to do with my novel what Web companies do with their new products: run an online beta test. I published my first novel the old-fashioned way: agent, publisher, bookstores, etc. But this time, I wanted a more interactive experience. As far as I'm aware, this is the first experiment of its kind on this new platform. And I suspect that it's just the beginning of a real revolution in the relationship between writers and readers."

Submission + - Toll free numbers (get800today.com)

An anonymous reader writes: As a consultant, I travel frequently. I wanted a way for my clients and prospective clients to reach me toll free; but didn't want them to get stuck with a voice mail from my office every day that I'm on the road. Get800today.com was the solution — I just forward all calls to my 800 phone number to my cell phone and my clients can reach me toll free, no matter where in the country I happen to be at the time!

Submission + - Wikipedia to be licensed under Creative Commons

sla291 writes: Jimmy Wales made a very exciting announcement (video & transcript) yesterday night at a Wikipedia party in San Francisco : Creative Commons, Wikimedia and the FSF just agreed to make the current Wikipedia license (the GFDL) compatible with Creative Commons (CC BY-SA). As Jimbo puts it, "This is the party to celebrate the liberation of Wikipedia".

Submission + - Ever wondered how it feels to be a billionare?

WindBourne writes: Here is an excellent story about Elon Musk and watching his 2'nd launch. Elon Musk is betting his 2x fortunes for the chance to put mankind into orbit CHEAP. Even now, his timing could not be better. It appears that America will be without a man-rated launcher (again) for at least several years. Spacex could be the only American player during that time. If so, then he will be launching not just people to the ISS, but to multiple Bigelow space ships and doing cargo. But then again, with another failure or 2, he may end up broker than he was at age 12. Now the question is, will he also be able to build a launcher that is cheaper and bigger than the planned ares V due out in a decade?
The Internet

Submission + - Nightmare web design clients

Mathew Browne writes: "I recently wrote an article about web design clients who have proved a little troublesome — see http://www.mbwebdesign.co.uk/blog/nightmare-web-de sign-clients/ You know the kind — "we can't afford to pay you but we'll let you have a link back to your site", "I want to be #1 on Google for [insert generic term here]", "let's use Comic Sans as the font", et cetera. This article lists 10 clients I've encountered who you want to avoid."

Feed Century-Old Chemistry Problem Solved (sciencedaily.com)

Chemists have found a solution to a problem that is more than 100 years old --- how to couple two unactivated carbon atoms together with the help of a catalyst. The molecules formed --- called biaryl molecules --- are the building blocks of light emitting diodes (LEDs), electron transport devices and liquid crystals found in modern LCD screens, and are found in approximately one in 20 medicines on the market today, such as Vancomycin, a last resort antibiotic and Glivec, an anti-cancer agent.

Submission + - Identification through Reverse DNS?

An anonymous reader writes: I've recently noticed that the reverse DNS name given to my IP from my ISP contains my mac address. It seems to me that regardless of IP address/dhcp logs that this could serve as a permanent unique identifier for a person. How many other ISPs do this? Are we clearing our google cookies periodically for nothing? Is this a privacy hole that should be closed up? I can see the ISPs internally being able to recognize their clients uniquely, but to the rest of the Internet is it a security violation for people to be tracked by an unchanging hostname?

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If a 6600 used paper tape instead of core memory, it would use up tape at about 30 miles/second. -- Grishman, Assembly Language Programming
