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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 102 declined, 11 accepted (113 total, 9.73% accepted)


Submission + - Cisco to Buy Meraki for $1.2B (

UnanimousCoward writes: Several outlets are reporting Cisco's intent to acquire Meraki for $1.B. I know we (/. community) are not a news feed, but I thought this story was interesting with respect to what had previously been submitted to /. concerning the company:

Submission + - Ararvind, Seva, and Steve Jobs

UnanimousCoward writes: A colleague of mine will be participating in a month-long design charrette out of Pondicherry for Aravind. The connection is through Seva. Interestingly, Seva got its start in part by a $5k donation from Steve Jobs...when he was working out of his garage. Love him or hate him (disclaimer: fanboi here), his vision extends beyond i-whatever.

Submission + - Sloan Prize-winner "Another Earth" released (

UnanimousCoward writes: "Another Earth" was released to the general public this weekend. While it has been bashed as being scientifically inconsistent, I find the story so compelling and provocative that I can dismiss these inconsistencies (if push comes to shove, I can probably find a way to explain said inconsistencies). The acting and humanity exhibited in this film is just too strong--isn't that what sci-fi is really about?

Submission + - How to Optimize a 5000-to-1 VCU Bet? (

UnanimousCoward writes: I know this is /., and that the phrase "March Madness" and the reference to the publication USA Today give my submission a snowball's chance in hell to get posted, but here goes :-) Somebody put a $10 bet on VCU at 5,000-to-1 to win the NCAA basketball tournament and is now 2 wins away from a $50k payday. How should that person best hedge the bet now?
  • VCU is favored against Butler in the next game. Should that person make a spread (-2.5) or moneyline (140/-120) bet, and how much?
  • If VCU beats Butler, then what hedge should be made in the Finals? I'm assuming it depends on the odds (of course) and the previous hedge (???).

Submission + - Exhausted Chinese tech factory workers (

UnanimousCoward writes: I know this submission will come off as Microsoft-bashing, but I doubt Microsoft is the only high-tech company with these kinds of connections. The Daily Mail has an article describing Chinese factory worker conditions at a shop that makes products for Microsoft along with a damning photo.

Submission + - Flickr: pr0n or free speech? (

UnanimousCoward writes: Yahoo! publicizes the safety features of Flickr, but as this article points out, adult content is accessible to all. The article quotes a Yahoo spokesman who outlines the safety of Flickr, but the telling disclaimer comes at the end:

It’s worth pointing out that our terms of service make it clear that users will find a broad range of content on Yahoo!, and the responsibility for what children may see rests with their guardian. Term Number 3 states: Please remember that the Services are designed to appeal to a broad audience. Accordingly, as the legal guardian, it is your responsibility to determine whether any of the Services and/or Content are appropriate for your child.

This issue is of particular interest to me because I recently had my Flickr coverflow iPhone app, iFOTOFLO, initially rejected because of 'inappropriate content," but when I replied to the rejection...

My application uses the Flickr API, and since your feedback/rejection, I have set the Flickr search parameters to reflect the safest search possible (safe_search=1). Please re-review my application. Note that if this filter is not sufficient for Apple, then I would argue that all Flickr-related search apps should be removed from the App Store. I would also like to point out that my previous Flickr-related app, iFOTOMO, was rejected with more-graphic examples, but that I was encouraged to resubmit when the 3.0 Parental Controls were implemented. I subsequently re-submitted that application under 3.0, and it was accepted.

...Apple approved my app the next day. Based on the article above (and the Most Recent/Most Viewed searches that you can see on the app), perhaps Apple shouldn't have been so quick to approve it, even under the 12+ rating...

Submission + - faith in the App Store approval process restored (

UnanimousCoward writes: My iPhone Flickr Coverflow app, iFOTOFLO was rejected because of possible inappropriate content even though I rated my app as 12+. Dismayed, I wrote to Apple:

My application uses the Flickr API, and since your feedback/rejection, I have set the Flickr search parameters to reflect the safest search possible (safe_search=1). Please re-review my application. Note that if this filter is not sufficient for Apple, then I would argue that all Flickr-related search apps should be removed from the App Store. I would also like to point out that my previous Flickr-related app, iFOTOMO, was rejected with more-graphic examples, but that I was encouraged to resubmit when the 3.0 Parental Controls were implemented. I subsequently re-submitted that application under 3.0, and it was accepted.

Apple approved my app the next day.

My app had been rejected earlier because the reviewers thought I was using the undocumented iPhone Coverflow API, but when I proved to Apple that I was not using this API, my app passed that hurdle.


Submission + - Make-My-Life-Easier Applications of Twitter?

UnanimousCoward writes: "I'm always looking for things to make my life easier, and I finally found an application of Twitter that does just that. I'm obsessed with the Kogi and COOLHAUS trucks in Los Angeles even though I live in San Francisco, obsessed to the point that when I travel down to LA, I make sure that I time my trip to arrive at a truck location. I follow tweets (text msgs to my cell phone) from from Kog and COOLHAUS to get the up-to-the-minute status of the trucks. (Actually, now that I think about it, has this application of Twitter REALLY made my life easier???) :-) I've always disdained Twitter until now, but I'm sold on its usefulness because of the food truck craze. Anyone else have make-my-life-easier applications of Twitter for me?"

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