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Comment Re:Here's a great idea... (Score 1) 481

The better question is why not? Why aren't they free? They aren't because you assume toll roads work. They don't. All toll roads do is allow more money to funnel somewhere. While Roads aren't free to build or maintain, their cost should be buried in what we already pay out. Any time there is an additional burden, it causes less usage.

Comment Re:Kind of.. (Score 1) 481

Self-driving cars are mass transit. At some point, once you're no longer driving your car, it will occur to you that you don't really care if you own the car. That's when things will get interesting.

That is where you are wrong. Self driving cars are for this generation. What you are talking about won't happen for at least 50 yrs. Car is still a status symbol. That has to change. If you aren't operating it, its no different than a bus. However there will still be alot of people who own non self driving ones. Remember what happened to analog TVs. That is what will happen to current cars once enough self driving ones are out. That will take 50 yrs. By that point Car will simply equal private bus just like piper cub = private plane. It wn't be interesting because people will simply continue what they are doing. Nothing about congestion and delay will change. What will change is auto accidents, parking and holiday travel.

Comment Re:Kind of.. (Score 1) 481

You honestly want to know why Virtually zero US cities have a functional mass transit system? Its not just because it hurt someone's net worth. No, its because people still connect it to homelessness and poverty. Unless you are in a place like NYC where you almost have to use mass transit, its looked down on.

Comment Re:Here's a great idea... (Score 1) 481

I think we need a 'sitting' tax. Anyone whose job involves sitting for more than 3 hrs gets taxed 10% of their gross income. Anyone whose job involves an secretary who sits more than an 1 hr also gets taxed an additional 10%. And anyone who job involves walking into a white or grey building built prior to 1900 in Washington DC or has the work Lobb in it gets a 25% tax. What do you all think? (I know computer repair and programming can be done standing)

Comment Re:God Creates Dinosaur (Score 1) 130

God Kills Dinosaur
GoD Creates Man
Man Kills God
Man Creates Dinosaur
Dinosaur Kills Man

Dinosaur ascends to oneness with the universe.
Universe creates man
Man ascends to become God.
Universe ends God escapes and creates new unending universe
God creates immoral man.
Man fucks up by eating forbidden fruit
God saves man from stupidity but requires him to declare alligence
Most men refuse.
Those that refuse are killed in apocalypse of their own making.
Those that swore allegiance escaped.
Man rebuilds earth and eliminates the idiocy that caused the apocalypse.
Man and God live forever. Dinosaurs remain a dream of the fallen universe.

Comment Re:Until... (Score 1) 130

Not to feed the troll but

unlike the Bible Exodus across the divided Red Sea running away from the big dark Egyptian cock your women find resistible and can't stop sucking

Fellatio didn't start until the Roman Empire (thats when public baths started) and ancient Egyptians weren't dark. They are the same pigment a tanned Caucasian is. Now Nubians, they were dark.

Comment Re:So, he is admitting that the attacks are true (Score 2) 786

Well, considering that the word "swiftboating" is derived from accusations against John Kerry that were true. when someone says they are being "swiftboated" they are admitting that the attacks against them are based in truth.

You're missing the point entirely.

Typical political attacks aim for an opponent's weaknesses, broken campaign promises, personal indiscretions, etc.

Swiftboating is the opposite, it attacks an opponent's strengths and tries to turn them into vulnerabilities. With Kerry a big selling point was his war service and purple hearts, swiftboating created a second narrative where he was unpatriotic and a bad soldier.

The same thing happened in '12 where Romney's business experience was turned into a negative by associating him with layoffs and the rich people who broke the economy. And to a lesser extent in '08 with Obama and his academic credentials and intellectual reputation, many people started implying that his academic career was the result of affirmative action.

What's happening to scientists is the same idea. There's three big reasons to believe scientists.

1) They have a ton of integrity.

2) They're succeed by finding new things and changing the established thinking.

3) They use the peer review system to enforce rigorous standards.

Climate change opponents attack all of these qualities. They attack scientists' integrity by alleging mass fraud. They deny the revolutionary aspect by claiming scientists don't want to point out problems with climate change. And finally they claim the peer review system is used to stifle dissent and create a false consensus.

The plan is to discredit climate change by discrediting science itself, the opponents can't gain credibility, but if they discredit scientists they don't have to, it just becomes a case of he-said she-said.

While all that is true, that is not the reason most people are deniers. Most that understand are because of the economic cost. Altering things now would require a tremendous sacrifice similar to WW2. The would not be a return on investment for at least a half century. Ask yourself, how many are willing to do that now? Its far easier to attack and discredit. That doesn't require sacrifice. They can be as greedy or not as they want. Climate Science isn't about science. Its about money. That is why Koch Brothers, who are billionaires in the industries that would be hurt the most, are attacking. As long as people believe its about the science, those who want it to fail will continue to succeed.

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