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Comment Re:What is being missed... is the $2 million part. (Score 1) 456

It's not just a question of context. It stems from a misunderstanding of the use of "beg" to mean "assume" instead of "ask for."

True. The mistake of using begging to mean assuming has been kicking around since the 16th century when "petitio principi" was mis-translated. Like you say, too late to do anything about it now.

Comment Re:What is being missed... is the $2 million part. (Score 3, Insightful) 456

Which begs the question - if it still works, why replace it?

It raises the question. Begging the question means something completely different.

No. Begging the question DOES mean raising the question.

The term "begging the question" originated in the 16th century as a mistranslation of Latin petitio principii ("assuming the initial point").[2] In modern vernacular usage, "to beg the question" sometimes also means "to raise the question"

Here's the thing: words and phrases can mean different things depending on the context. "Begs the question", when followed by a question means raises the question. "Begs the question" when talking about an argument means the obscure and antiquated English mis-translation of the older Latin mis-translation of the Greek phrase.

I suggest that you give it a rest. You're fighting the same losing battle that was fought over "gay" and "hacker". You won't change the public's mind, so the best outcome you'll ever get is looking like a pompous blow-hard. So, if that's what you're after, then have at it. Otherwise, learn to shut your trap and roll with it.

Comment Re:Control Looking for a Problem (Score 1) 38

Yes, it is the presidency, and no amount of managing teenage burger-flippers is going to prepare a person for the kinds of decisions a president has to make: Commander in Chief of the largest military force on the planet, dealing with ambassadors, reviewing bills that affect the lives of hundreds of millions of people, making decisions that affect the entire planet. It's not the kind of job for which there is any training available.

Comment Wasted time (Score 1) 126

If you'd attacked the stain right away, before the solvents evaporated, you could have cleaned up the wall. But instead you chose to grab a camera and take pictures, and solve math problems with your kid. Now you've got a minor DIY nightmare on your hands. Consider yourself lucky if your wife allows you to use the same colors, and doesn't consider this an opportunity for a bathroom makeover.

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