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Comment U.S. Gov: Now With 50% Fewer 4A Violations! (Score 5, Interesting) 24

If there's no warrant, then there's no paper trail to prove the search did or didn't happen. That's why the Fourth Amendment exists in the first place! Patting yourself on the back for 50% fewer reported violations of the Constitution isn't restoring the level of confidence in our government that you think it is.

Comment Does the Law Suck or Does Apple Suck? (Score 1) 11

I thought the whole point of the DMA is that people should be able to install apps completely outside of the control of the company that wrote the phone's OS. If that's the case, Apple shouldn't even necessarily know who authored an app, let alone have any ability to charge them for installs. So did the EU write the law to be so open-ended that it has almost no real-world benefits or is Apple just doing whatever the fuck it wants and daring the EU to hold them accountable?

Comment Re:80% of the market still (Score 1) 76

Apple moved all of their devices over to their own ARM chips, and now it looks like Microsoft is heading the same way

Apple exerts complete control over the hardware and software in Macs, so it's relatively easy for them to switch to another hardware architecture. Meanwhile, Windows runs on hundreds, maybe thousands, of different hardware profiles and it would be extremely difficult to support that many different systems if they all switched over to ARM. This is due to the fact, as other posters have pointed out, that ARM is missing support in BIOS/EFI/UEFI to provide information about the hardware present on the platform. That is fine when the hardware manufacturer creates their own chips and has a semi open source OS such as Android to integrate with their hardware, but it's a lot tougher on a closed platform such as Windows. I don't doubt MS is working on its own ARM-based processor to release in an MS-branded device that attempts to compete with Macs, but I highly doubt MS will be releasing a general-purpose version of Windows that runs on all ARM-based laptops and desktops and has an emulation layer to run x86_64 apps with performance similar to what Apple pulls off with Rosetta 2.

Comment Re:80% of the market still (Score 1) 76

This is classic stock market behavior. There's a ton of hype around AI, so all the greedy people with more money than brains try to get in early on that hype and drive the price of stocks like Nvidia into a bubble. Meanwhile, competitors that aren't going all in on the new hype train experience a significant undervaluation in the market. I know that Slashdot hates Intel, but Nvidia currently has a market cap 16x that of Intel. Regardless of how anyone feels about Intel, those valuations are extremely askew. I'm not an Intel fanboy by any means, but it sounds like a good time to buy some Intel stock while it's currently undervalued. While it's risky and they don't have a lot to hang their hats on, they're still extremely competitive on desktop and server systems and they're a huge company with plenty of resources and opportunities to dig themselves out of this hole. Mobile devices have been all the rage, but laptops, servers, and even desktops will be around for quite some time and only one other company seems to be even close to giving Intel a run for its money.

Comment Excited For Ceph (Score 4, Interesting) 25

A colleague and I are in the process of building a Proxmox cluster which uses Ceph to host all of our VMs. We've never built something like this from the ground up but we're both very excited by the many advantages these technologies provide over running on bare metal. The performance of our prototypes have been pretty impressive and we can't wait to have the full-scale system up and running. I'll have to see if we should wait to upgrade to the new version of Ceph before continuing the deployment.

Comment Smart Move on Their Part (Score 2) 210

Either way, China loses. But by denying millions of Americans their addiction to the platform, they're going to create a lot more misery for the politicians that put this into motion. In my life, I can't remember the U.S. government banning something more popular than TikTok. I can't wait to watch videos of the fallout on YouTube.

Comment Re:Economic harship (Score 1) 281

If you believe that men aren't entitled to equal custody because nature forced the woman to gestate the child, then you could use that same logic to argue that women are also more responsible for the financial responsibilities of the child and that men shouldn't have to pay child support. I don't believe that to be the case, I'm just pointing out the flaw in the logic.

Also, by that same logic, should a woman who carries a child in a lesbian relationship have more rights to custody than her partner who didn't?

Society is made up of social contracts. If you rationalize giving one side more than the other by default, don't be surprised when the other side reduces their participation in fatherhood or in marriage and relationships altogether.

Comment Re:Economic harship (Score 3, Insightful) 281

Why does anyone have to "ask" or "push" for custody of their own child? Both parents brought that kid into this world and by default both should be expected to have an equal part in raising that child. No one should have to spend lots of time and money fighting for custody of their own child - the laws should assume 50/50 custody unless one or both parents feel extenuating circumstances warrant modification of that situation.

Comment Re:Nation of Origin: Carolina (Score 1) 120

I completely agree, but unfortunately the only group that can strike this down has recently shown that they'll gladly apply twisted logic to political arguments they support while applying the exact opposite logic to political arguments they oppose. My guess is that if they're forced to decide on the validity of this law, they'll favor the ban since it's against a Chinese company, and that will set a precedent to uphold legislation that singles out companies or individuals.

Comment Re:The Price to Turn off Ads (Score 1) 82

If the setting I toggled maintained the state I set it to, then I would have been far less inclined to switch to Linux. But at the time I migrated to Linux, Windows settings that I explicitly changed had a way of consistently finding themselves back to a state that Microsoft seemed to prefer. It happened often enough that I no longer felt like I was in control of my computer, so I switched to an alternative that respected my wishes. Maybe MS doesn't do that as much these days, I wouldn't know, but at this point I have absolutely no desire to go back.

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