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Comment No surprise here (Score 1) 671

I have quit reading computer-related magazines after Polish edition of Amiga Mag went down. When I sometimes browse a PC magazines on a display I wonder how anyone can even try to read it. It's filled with ads, has poorly written articles that reads like adverts, lame "Ten Things About Whatever" and interviews with people who are unintresting but have ties and a CEO business cards.

When I want to get some opinions on new hardware I'd rather to browse Internet, it's quicker and there's more different stories. When I want computer related news or reviews, there's /., Ars.

So, they gave poor rating to cheap Linux computer. No story here. I wouldn't expect them rate it any different. No Vista, no cash for publishers.


Submission + - Blockbuster to Stream Jackass2.5 Using Silverlight (techluver.com)

Tech.Luver writes: "Limelight Networks announced that Blockbuster has exclusively selected Limelight Networks' rich media CDN and Microsoft Silverlight to provide the technical streaming capabilities for the first studio-backed feature streamed in its entirety — JACKASS 2.5. Available for free, courtesy of BLOCKBUSTER, at Jackassworld.com beginning Dec 19th through Dec 31st, `07, the US online distribution of JACKASS 2.5, an event made possible by the recent acquisition of Movielink by Blockbuster. ( http://techluver.com/2007/12/17/blockbuster-to-offer-studio-backed-free-broadband-movie-jackass-25-using-limelight-networks-and-microsoft-silverlight/ )"

Submission + - What happened to .mac? (mac.com)

G4Cube writes: First my .mac mail timed out. then going to mac.com gave me the url shown. Anyone know anything about this.

Journal Journal: I thought I saw a problem with Ubuntu

The Ubuntu distribution is failing due to not enough high level maintainers.

The failures are amplified because it appears to me that Google has dropped human intervention in the indexing process for Ubuntu or Linux related queries.

And so the observation points right back to me, your typical anonymous user. What should I do, what can I do?

PC Games (Games)

Submission + - id unveils Rage at QuakeCon 2007 (hothardware.com)

bigwophh writes: "During closed-door briefings at QuakeCon this past weekend, id revealed some details regarding their upcoming game Rage. The game is in simultaneous development for the PC, PS3, Xbox360 and Macintosh, and uses the 'id tech 5' engine which employs a second generation version of id's Megatexture technology. As you'll see in the trailer and screenshots available at HotHardware, Rage will involve a combination of shooting and driving, and the visuals are nothing short of amazing. Unfortunately, id hasn't given a solid release date, saying only that the game will ship "when it's done"."

Submission + - Automatix Activly Dangerous to Ubuntu

exeme writes: Ubuntu developer Matthew Garrett has recently analysed famed Ubuntu illegal software installer Automatix and found it to be actively dangerous to Ubuntu desktop systems. In a detailed report which only took Garrett a couple of hours he found many serious, show-stopper bugs and concluded that Ubuntu could not officially support Automatix in its current state. Garrett also goes on to say that simple Debian packages could provide all of the functionality of Automatix without any of the problems it exhibits.
It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - New way for singles to meet -- the digital zap (reuters.com)

Tech.Luver writes: "'Reuters Technology' reports about singles' mixers with a technological twist. " Before parties, guests register online and complete questionnaires. The answers are then transferred to digital memory devices — red, plastic squares slightly larger than a matchbox — that the guests wear like necklaces. During a party, people point their devices at one another to check how compatible they are. The devices flash red, yellow or green, depending on their level of compatibility. Green means go, and red? Stop. Web matchmaking has one main drawback — lack of personal contact. "There's no interaction anymore," said Duterte. "We're adding the human touch to a high-tech industry.""

Submission + - Indiana University Dumps Google for ChaCha

theodp writes: "Come Monday, no more Indiana University searches will be powered by computer-driven Google. Only by people-powered ChaCha. The move was announced by new IU President Michael McRobbie, who until recently sat on ChaCha's Board of Directors (5-29 SEC filing, PDF). IU will draft hundreds of librarians and IT employees to be ChaCha Guides for the university's websites, although a FAQ accompanying IU's press release tells librarians not to expect any checks for their efforts from ChaCha, which IU notes is backed by Amazon's Jeff Bezos and Compaq founder Rod Canion."
The Media

Submission + - Resident Evil 5 Trailer Spawns Racism/PC Debates

An anonymous reader writes: The Resident Evil 5 trailer shown at E3 2007 has received a largely positive response from gamers and the gaming-related media. However, a blog entry by an African-American woman (who's apparently not a gamer) is critical of the trailer's "depiction of Black people as inhuman savages, the killing of Black people by a white man in military clothing, and the fact that this video game is marketed to children and young adults. Start them young fearing, hating, and destroying Black people." Not surprisingly, forums and talkbacks have degenerated into allusions of racism, reverse-racism, and out-of-control political correctness. On the other hand, some blogs have started questioning the racial sensitivity of the trailer which shows the mass killing of Black zombies (who may look more "sick" than zombie-like) in a part of the world (Africa) that has been ravaged by AIDS and has a relatively recent brutal history of Black racism.

Submission + - New Study: Marijuana Does Not Cause Psychosis, Lun (evonet.ro)

goguaremere writes: "I've performed a meta-analysis of various scare stories about marijuana appearing in major papers this week. The results of my research are as follows:


Alarmist reports about marijuana will turn out to be wildly exaggerated and in some cases completely fictitious. Obvious inconsistencies will be overlooked by the press and widely available contrary evidence will be ignored."


Submission + - BitTorrent 6.0 beta closed source, Windows only

makomk writes: The BitTorrent (Mainline) 6.0 beta has been released, and it's a rebranded version of uTorrent. Unfortunately, it's also closed source and Windows-only. (Apparently, BitTorrent Inc always planned that the next version of Mainline would be closed-source, even before they decided to base it on uTorrent.) It also comes with a mysterious content delivery system called BitTorrent DNA, which appears to consist of a single invisible background task, dna.exe.

Does the original, open source BitTorrent client have a future, or is it time for its users to switch to one of the many other BitTorrent clients?

Submission + - New PowerPC Product Kit Available in Latest AXIGEN

AXIGEN Team writes: "Bucharest, April 25, 2007 — AXIGEN (http://www.axigen.com), the professional messaging solution vendor, announced today the commercial release of a new version, AXIGEN 3.0.1. A premiere for AXIGEN Mail Server, this new version includes a beta product dedicated to PowerPC architectures. The Power architecture is the architecture of choice for embedded applications and is often employed by IBM on their server offerings for large businesses."

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