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Comment personal FOSS economies (Score 1) 205

I open source as many parts of my paid projects as i can so that I'm not forced to reinvent the same wheel i made through a previous employer.

This makes me more productive perceptually since i bring value from my previous positions. Others could as well, but aren't as versed with my creations as i am.
So why do my current employers give to my next? It's a perk choosing them nothing.

Comment WebRTC (Score 1) 194

It's a blanket technology allowing you to do any authentication model. It's supported by Chrome & FF, so the standard won't break anytime soon.
You'll need someone to build out the web app (like me) and then the app can get pushed easily.
After that, a simple but modern browser locked into a kiosk mode should do it. Then I'd seriously consider reducing updates to zero by limiting the kiosk to only your server's domain.

Yes, it could break. Anything can, but this gives you control over the:
- UI
- updates (since you control the app it connects to)
- privacy (doubtful you can trust data mining in a medical facility)
And that's compelling.

Comment irony (Score 1) 405

It's an irony that the once-powerful book publishing companies that lobbied for the "insane" idea of copyright will finally cease to exist soon. They were dinosaurs. Now this weird combination of Amazon (running on a basis of OSS-licensing, which uses copyright against itself), trade-secrets (their software is not available), and DRM (no need for copyright there) supersedes them.

One possible result is fewer industries have a need to maintain copyright (yay), though usually because something much worse and monopolistic replaces it. Now it's just Disney & Friends that want copyright. There's also music studios, though I expect them to go like the book publishers soon.

Comment Re:Arguing about other peoples arguments (Score 0) 220

I agree completely that you've hit the nail on the head with exactly what needs to be looked at.
As for (1) I believe that QUIC is the protocol being investigated now (you can enable it in Chrome).
(2) Anyone who sets-up a virtual website is shocked to learn that one. But an SSL extension where the client indicates what name it seeks should do.
(3) This. Exactly this is needed & I don't know that anyone's trying. Signed certs are dead-simple to make & is how Git is done nowadays, so extending that model to http just makes sense. Since this 1 PC has signed-in to all my regular services, they all would be able to vouch for that cert being me (and should ask challenge questions at sign-in for any machine that doesn't coorespond).


Comment Weather & Skilled tech workers. (Score 1) 107

The cities with tech presence in other states (from SF Bay and Denver) generally include LA, Austin, Pittsburgh, Seattle, and some I know less about (Chicago? DC? Raleigh? Massachusetts?).
Few of those have preferential weather and enough tech jobs that to allow failed startup employee reabsorbtion like SF &Denver. The result is huge SF Bay growth and decent Denver growth.

I tried Austin for a few years and yeah you get a nice house, but you'd better enjoy it because you won't step outside with the heat, crazy bugs, worst allergens anywhere (Mountain Cedar affects everyone). Seattle really is depressingly gloomy most of the year. Most developers want their weekends to include the option for a nerd to go outside comfortably.

Comment I've became less religous, but more spiritual. (Score 1) 1037

As I learn all the debunk vs debunk stuff, it's got me accepting:
- There are some important unexplainables
- Ignore:
      -- infighting
      -- religous history
      -- ceremony without benefit

So now I'm more spiritual than religious. I look at cross-religion wisdom and see what applies to my life, is repeatable, regular, or frequent. I find patterns, make hypotheses and apply them just like with any scientific practice. "Centers for Spiritual Living" groups think like this.

Comment Re:How are these things related? (Score 1) 202

You just cannot fix X the way it should be fixed.

Translation: It's protocol-oriented.

Wayland is the obvious choice

Really? It's protocol-oriented too (and is slow-progressing because of that).

Mir is library-oriented so no-longer will DEs paper-over the ugly parts, but instead they'll just fix the client library.

Comment Re:Compuing Resources are Finate (Score 1) 745

what's an agent? Or more specifically, don't optimize for them when the concern is actually consistency. Whenever a serious inconsistency is found, God could reverse to somewhere that the correct facts can be worked-in. Under this idea, early simulations could be fast and we are therefore effectively causing physics, chemistry, etc sciences into being by studying them.
  Though under this theory it could be very hard to test.

Comment Re:This is worth a Slashdot article? (Score 1) 136

Advertisers live by document.write.
Window.open is required for bookmarklets and reparenting to avoid windows being monitored by their creator.

Yes eval is trouble, but I'd rather see a badge indicating "easy to hack" when "use strict" is not in use. Many sites still use eval, so it's best to single them out vs breaking them.

Comment My bugs (Score 2) 716

My latest bugs are along the lines of:
Me: Here's the most rough proof-of-concept, prototype implementation.
Mgr: Ship it
Me: It only does some of what's needed, even then most common considerations aren't done.
Mgr: Ship it. Log that other stuff as bugs. We will close most of them until someone complains.

So according to your thoughts, employers only pay for the prototype & I'm responsible for the full implementation? No go!

Comment Fan of mass-exclusivity (Score 2) 578

The fools are shooting themselves in the foot:
Here's an idea: Lets get the entire next generation disinterested in the Olympics by making it impossible to see it over their preferred method unless they bug their parents for cable bill info! Lets remind those kids who is in-charge.
This will also exclude some Americans and totally exclude all those fit country people so they won't join the games out of spite. Now the US won't participate as well or be interested as much. And we know how well America watches international sports they do poorly in. Soccer anyone?

This media event is unrelated to the ancient games except by name. It's about 20 years before irrelevance.

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