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Journal Journal: Snowden retort

Upon the Snowden incident I responded against the persecution of him as he was upholding the oath to protect the United States from enemies both foreign and domestic. The current enemies are the NSA with repect to upholding the Constitution.

Comment Re:Snowden (Score 5, Insightful) 221

This man stood up to the oath "protect from foreign and domestic" threats. And they now want to persecute him for espionage?
Totally disgraceful!!!
I still think we need to fire all Judicial, Legislative and Executive branch members and start over.
Or better yet hold them responsible for the lack of over site.

Comment Canceled my account long ago (Score 2, Insightful) 131

Farcebook is a worthless application that has no inherent value other than wasting time and advertising how we live our daily activities. Who cares that I went to the mall, who cares that I hiked 10 miles, geez, and better yet let me advertise when I am not going to be home for the thieves to come ransack my home. This is an application that need to go away.

Comment Re:Finally! (Score 3, Insightful) 474

I agree with your comments on this as well. What would we do with all the prison space currently housed by drug-related occupants? That would put a heavy dent in the income of the organizations that manage the prison systems (which are mostly cronies of the politicians). And once the dent is made in their profits, they would lobby to elevate the penalty of some other illegal act to put the profits back into their pockets, say jaywalking or driving while texting is a now mandatory 90 days in prison.

Comment Re:Job Hopping (Score 1) 282

It is obvious that you have never been a consultant before. If you throw the 1-2 years and less into the "least likely" pile then you are going to miss out on people who can adapt rapidly in practically any situation. This is what the industry created when they started outsourcing. In the event that a person goes from a full time employment to a consulting type employment are you saying you would not want this type of person to re-enter the full time employment category? Seeing as you have 25 years with a single company shows that you are operating on a 25 years old concept.

Comment Don't know about you, but.... (Score 1) 384

My sister has a Masters Degree in Mathematics and also teaches an advanced placement Calculus class at a local high school. Women bad at math????
I know that to be different. I would rather think that it has to do with having the ability to think in an abstract manner. Some people can do this easier than others. Gender has nothing to do with it.

Comment You should try it in Texas (Score 1) 698

Swearing in the presence of a law enforcement official in Texas is considered an act of resistance. Therefore resisting an a law enforcement official (misdameanor), where you will be thrown in jail for a least a minimum of 72 hours (at least until bailed out). When you get out you still have to go to your local court and fight (and still pay court costs), where you will then be free to be picked again if you foolishly try it again. RULE 1: MAN WITH THE GUN: Yes sir.... No sir.... RULE 2: DISRESPECT IS NOT APPRECIATED: refer to RULE 1

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