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Comment Re:How about Android apps ? (Score 2) 179

> I also wish you could turn off specific permissions (so app developers would have to check that they have the permission before they used it, erroring - and asking for the permission - if that permission was required).

Yes. Or maybe an option to "Install with No Permissions" or something. It would be interesting to see which parts of the app required which permissions, then you could make an informed choice whether you wanted X feature enough to expose yourself in that specific way.

Comment Re:Rule of Law (Score 1) 515

being a nuisance

There are already laws against most kinds of nuisance-making; a separate one for happening to be drunk while nuisancing is overkill and unnecessary. Being drunk in and of itself doesn't harm anyone else.

yelling abuse at passers-by



Recording the Police 515

Bruce Schneier says "I've written a lot on the 'War on Photography,' where normal people are harassed as potential terrorists for taking pictures of things in public. This article is different; it's about recording the police: Allison's predicament is an extreme example of a growing and disturbing trend. As citizens increase their scrutiny of law enforcement officials through technologies such as cell phones..."

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