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Comment Re:No, Never, for Any reason. (Score 1) 734

As a Canadian, you can visit the USA mostly without issue (working there is another matter).

Mostly if you're white, if there are no terrorist attacks, and if you don't have a drug record.

If you have dual citizenship, there is MORE scrutiny and more complication and more cost. It is never worth it, ever.

This is completely false.

Virtually everyone I know who has dual citizenship has officially (and expensively) renounced it, and none have any regrets, and all are still free to visit the USA.

There are three classes of people that you may know who have given up on their US citizenship. Vietnam-era draft dodgers, super rich people, and people who didn't know any better and who delayed too long to get their paperwork in order. Everyone else and everyone I personally know usually keeps their dual citizenship if they legally can.

There are good reasons to keep an American citizenship. For instance, American Universities are usually easier to get in than Canadian Universities (or most European Universities for that matter). American Universities are also far more flexible if your kid doesn't want to lock himself/herself in a particular major right away. And it may make things much easier to get resident status, get federal financial aid, and pay in-State tuition, if you already have a US citizenship (although the US citizenship itself is not the only criterion used for those decisions, so if your kid ever wants to study in the US, be super careful about that and do your research on the US educational system a couple of years in advance if you don't want to end up paying ten times more than everybody else).

Comment Re:Let them choose (Score 0) 734

Why is 'the clock ticking'?

The reason the clock is ticking is because if they wait until their 18th birthday, they will have to "technically" renounce their other citizenship if they want the American one. If they elect to become American citizens before their 18th birthday, then the US does not require them to make that choice.

In any case, there is almost no downside to become an American citizen for a European before his/her 18th birthday. The tax issue is really a non-issue for most Europeans. European taxes are far greater in Europe, and the US won't force someone to be double-taxed if the US citizen can prove their tax burden is equal or greater in the European country they're residing in (compared to the US). Perhaps, I could be wrong. Belgium is considered to be a tax haven after all, but I believe that this tax protection especially applies to super rich people, not to most Belgium citizens.

Comment Re:B0ll0cks... (Score 1) 538

It's either bullshit(fairly likely) or the rules need to be changed yesterday(actually, at least a couple of administrations ago).

Chances are. Nobody had her personal email address either. Even if you can trust yourself not to retain incriminating emails, you can't really trust others who email you to do the same.

That's why you funnel everything through your aide and you use your aide email address, even if you're the micromanaging type and respond to some of the emails yourself (but even if you do respond yourself, you still sign it with the name of your aide). This way, if something goes wrong, or if plausible deniability is needed, you can always blame the aide. Always use a go-between. This is like Mafia101.

Comment Re:So this is why I've been wanting to write ... (Score 1) 124

... a secure notepad which syncs between devices. Because you can't rely on Google or Microsoft when it comes to your data's security. But two different business consultants persuaded me to write 8th instead (which I was going to do in any event, to get to the secure notepad).

Now I'm seriously weighing whether or not to take up the secure notepad project again

There are already secure notepads on Google Play. That being said, my own impression of those apps could be flawed, so you should test if those two business consultants are serious. Ask them what other similar apps they've tried. Ask them how much they're willing to contribute to your project if you start a Kickstarter on it.

Talk is cheap. Ideas are cheap (especially if it makes them sound important). Just ask them to put money where their mouths are.

Comment Re:FDE on Android doesn't work as of yet (Score 5, Informative) 124

The real issue is the extra battery drain it creates and the extra delay it takes to read/write encrypted data. In other words, this is an acceptable tradeoff for an employer and this is an acceptable tradeoff for some people who really care about security, but it's really not acceptable for most consumers.

If it ever becomes the default on consumer phones, for liability reasons or for whatever, the first thing people will learn is how to disable it so they can save battery power.

Comment Re:Insurance (Score 1) 217

Considering the amount of successful projects kickstarter has, I think they should offer an insurance for x% of the price of good (optional), where you get a full refund if the item is not delivered within 3 - 6 months. They'd probably even end up making money of the insurance, and for some things (like a $700 bike I was considering) it would help a lot.

You've got a winner there! You should start a kickstarter about it.

I'm sure people will be happy to spend an extra $650 so they can recover their original $700

Comment Re:130 hour weeks and "people first"? (Score 4, Insightful) 167

"When Google was a young company, she worked 130 hours per week and often slept at her desk." Ref: http://www.entrepreneur.com/ar...

With access to free showers, free laundry service, and free extra yummy food outside of regular working hours. I could also see myself never leaving my workplace and sleeping 130 hours a week.

Comment Re:Brain drain (Score 2) 167

so, what level of manager are you?
first line, middle mgmt or maybe c-level?
you are clearly not a working stiff like most of us, here...

That is correct. He's probably speaking from personal experience.

Managers are usually the least productive telecommuters I know.

Comment Re:Not too surprising (Score 1) 145

My employer has been trying to build a front end team recently, and willing to pay whatever it takes and remote work is fine.

Like most people on the internet, you're talking like "remote work" is an actual benefit. Personally, I don't think that it is. Everything is harder when you're working remotely. Not only I would prefer not to work remotely, but I would also like to not have my coworkers work remotely either (unless it's no more than one day per week let's say).

If your company is located far away from talent, please consider offering an attractive temporary relocation package for the length of the contract. That being said, don't just offer something that sounds good and hope that they bite. Get to know your target first. Find out if they have a family, what hobbies they have, etc. Then offer a temporary relocation package that's uniquely suited to their needs and circumstances.

The keyword here is "temporary". Nobody wants to move permanently away from their existing professional network to a place where it's nearly impossible to get a good job (should the initial job fall through, or naturally comes to an end).

But even getting in touch with some of these people to be able to say "Hey, name a number, we'll give you that number" is near impossible, because they shut themselves out with all of the normal recruiters trying to reach them.

I can't say I'm a rockstar developer, I am not, but I find myself forced to shut out recruiters as well. External recruiters are the worst. So-called "talent agents" are usually just external recruiters in disguise. Internal company recruiters are better, but not by much. The only people I don't shut out are fellow developers.

If you're looking and have an actually useful recruiter under your belt, its helpful, but at the end of the day they don't work for you. Having someone who actually does? Why not.

People who get a commission from your salary do not work for you. They work for themselves.

Comment Re:Lawyers rejoice!! (Score 4, Interesting) 114

I fail to see what kind of financial loss Lenovo customers might have incurred over this incident to warrant a class action suit.

Even if the class action suit only wins one penny, it will be worth it. Having a verdict on this issue can set a legal precedent (especially since Lenovo is probably not interested in defending the case too hard either).

For instance, it could pave the way for more easily winning a class action against Verizon. Verizon's case is a bit different, especially now that they're supposedly giving their customers the option to opt-out, but with a little bit of luck, a quick verdict on the Lenovo case could make Verizon reconsider its ongoing super-cookie/man-in-the-middle attack strategy against its own customers.

Comment Re:How about implementing parental controls on And (Score 1) 81

There are many free apps that do that kind of thing.

Also if you have a non-nexus Samsung, or a non-nexus LG device, that are at least one year old, you have that functionality that is already baked into their customized ROM. The only thing is that LG doesn't call their functionality parental control, they call it 'Guest mode' instead which is actually really good because the way it's triggered, through a different unlock pattern or a different unlock pin, your guest has actually no idea he's using 'Guest mode' (aside from the missing functionality you chose to leave out).

So 'Guest mode' also works great for girlfriends/boyfriends, curious passengers borrowing your phone, and overzealous cops, not just kids. It all depends on the way you choose to configure it.

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