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Comment Re:Why do corporations have to be people? (Score 1) 371

Mod up please. Natural people (human beings) are not 'people' in the legal sense. Legally, a 'person' is an entity that can have rights and responsibilities ascribed to it (as far as I understand, imagine the slave trade, slaves weren't 'people' - they had no rights - though I may be wrong).

Also, a human being cannot do business with legal fiction (a coporation) so your 'Person' (a legal entity created upon certification of birth) is there for that reason. A strawman used to enter into the commercial world.

Everything's a company of some description; countries, states, ministries, councils. The entire subject is a pretty eye-opening rabbit hole.

Opting Out Increases Spam? 481

J. L. Tympanum writes "I used to ignore spam but recently I have been using the opt-out feature. Now I get more spam than ever, especially of the Nigerian scam (and related) types. The latter has gone from almost none to several a day. Was I a fool for opting out? Is my email address being harvested when I opt out? Has anybody had similar experience?"

Submission + - Rethinking "Deep" Menu Trees

Tablizer writes: 'Deep tree' GUI menus are getting annoying as vendors rack up the feature quantities to compete with each other. Searching in menus for some long-lost feature is becoming ever more time-consuming as the trees grow. Perhaps it's time to rethink hierarchical menus and borrow some ideas from search engines, such as Google. Consider listing (and perhaps linking) all the options or features in a database-like contraption, and key-word searching on these behind the scenes to produce a Google-like list of feature/option matches. A simple SQL "LIKE" statement(s) can be used for a simple implementation, with dedicated text indexers for fancier ones. The database could also contain synonyms to assist finds. Some options will have prerequisites, which need to be dealt with. These can be tracked via a dependency tree or graph. Has anybody tried something similar to this in a desktop app with success? If so, what technologies and techniques did you use, and what lessons did you learn?

Comment Re:Well... at least it isnt a Populist move (Score 1) 904

Do you see the pattern there? 4 or 8 year terms. One comes in, does some bad stuff, gets removed. The successor is the popular choice (and B.O. was a popular choice in a mass-hysteria kind of way). No government is going to reduce their own power.

I don't think it really matters who comes in - as some say, they (reds and blues) are just two arms of the same body.

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