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Submission + - Nintendo Goes Social With 3DS (ibtimes.com)

gabbo529 writes: "Recognizing the evolution of video games, Nintendo is taking a more social approach to its upcoming 3DS game system.

"Nintendo 3DS will be the most connected Nintendo device ever, with its ability to link people via local wireless connections, while at the same time connecting them to people and content worldwide via hotspot connectivity," Nintendo President Satoru Iwata said 25th annual Game Developer's Conference in San Francisco.

Nintendo announced it will do this primarily by making 10,000 WiFi hotspots available for 3DS gamers to connect, play games and view content. The WiFi will be available in selected airports, cafes and restaurants. Subsequently, it also announced a deal with Netflix, where members will be able to stream movies and other content on their Nintendo 3DS systems."

Submission + - The wheel, invented once again?! (cadinfo.net)

G3ckoG33k writes: If you thought you knew that the "wheel" had already been invented, think again. There is an Italian company that has designed a new exercise bike which looks more like a wheel than any other exercise bike you have seen. It is of course made in composite material and would probably be Darth Vaders bike of choice. The design is spectacular. Laminated kevlar would probably be robust enough for armchair athletes like me too. There is also a video of it.

Submission + - The 50 Greatest Arcade Games of All Time! (arcade-museum.com)

TripCannon writes: "It finally happened. After years of argument and speculation one man has put together a book highlighting some of the best arcade games of all time.

Bits, Sticks, and Buttons: The Unofficial Guide to the 50 Greatest Arcade Games of All Time!

This is a book for both newcomers and seasoned veterans of the classic arcade world. It was written by senior KLOV.com member Sean Newton aka Gozer5454. He brings a fresh new take to the community by incorporating members of KLOV with their respective favorite arcade games.

Newton insists that his list shouldn't be taken as law since there are hundreds of great games out there. He does however include a section in the book explaining in his own words what it takes to be included on the list.

After reading the book it's hard not to agree with most of what's printed.

Follow the link and read the story behind the story."


Submission + - Asus Motherboard Box Doubles as PC Case (itworld.com) 1

itwbennett writes: "Taiwan's Asus has a novel idea to cut down on shipping waste: What if the shipping container became the PC case? That's the idea behind a box the company will begin using to ship one of its Mini ATX motherboards. It holds the motherboard snug for shipping and is constructed so additional components required to make a PC can be added, said Debby Lee, a spokeswoman for the Taipei-based company. An example of the box is showing at this week's Cebit trade show in Hanover, Germany."

Submission + - GoDaddy.com Goes on the Auction Block (wsj.com)

Jesterace writes: GoDaddy.com, the closely held website that registers Internet domain names, has put itself up for sale in an auction that could fetch more than $1 billion dollars.

Submission + - How to deal with and improve poor handwriting?

TrueKonrads writes: Many of slashdotters, yours truly included type on keyboard significantly more than write with pen on paper. However, when interviewing clients or generally taking notes, notebook is still the easiest way to do it. Unfortunately, my handwriting is barely legible and I am happy I can read what I wrote; giving notes to somebody else is simply out of question. How do you deal with it? Abandon notebooks at all or have you found a way to improve legibility?

Submission + - Anti Geohack Patent? (blogspot.com)

Jesterace writes: Recently a new patent by a SONY employee was published on the patent site at faqs.org. It seems it is SONY's answer for Geohot's progress. Take a look here:

"A method, system, and computer-usable medium are disclosed for controlling unauthorized access to encrypted application program code. Predetermined program code is encrypted with a first key. The hash value of an application verification certificate associated with a second key is calculated by performing a one-way hash function. Binding operations are then performed with the first key and the calculated hash value to generate a third key, which is a binding key. The binding key is encrypted with a fourth key to generate an encrypted binding key, which is then embedded in the application. The application is digitally signed with a fifth key to generate an encrypted and signed program code image. To decrypt the encrypted program code, the application verification key certificate is verified and in turn is used to verify the authenticity of the encrypted and signed program code image. The encrypted binding key is then decrypted with a sixth key to extract the binding key. The hash value of the application verification certificate associated with the second key is then calculated and used with the extracted binding key to extract the first key. The extracted first key is then used to decrypt the encrypted application code."


Comment Re:Well, Opera Mini isn't strictly a browser... (Score 3, Insightful) 292

You are running a software built by said commercial 3rd-party company. They don't need that server in the middle to see all of those things.

So there's no increase in capability if they are malicious. There is an increase in risk if they are incompetent - and do something like cache requests/responses containing that data.

Comment Re:They may have won in the courts.... (Score 2, Interesting) 307

now you have steve watching every single thing you do on his computer, you will pay 130$ for service packs, and good luck getting parts or repair on that mac (which has a very high chance of failure within the first year)

Try using Apple HW instead of just bashing it. There are a lot of MB/MBP out there running MS crap because they are so reliable, and actually run software without machinations. Rating a new version of an OS as a service pack is ludicrous. Maybe you ought to actually use a permissions based OS before you run your keys the next time

Comment Re:Smartest workflow move ....ever! (Score 1) 401

Terrible ideas. Just terrible.


In any event, hiding the dialogs when GIMP loses focus makes a hell of a lot more sense than dialogs that won’t minimize or hide at all. When I want to see the desktop, I want to see it without any stupid unhideable dialogs in the way.

They have made a single window mode available, that's what we're talking about.

I don’t want a single window mode. I want the things I mentioned. Unless I maximize the window, and then perhaps yes a single-window mode would be better than letting the floating palettes overlap the image window.

Comment Re:How do we know it's not already in use? (Score 1) 393

With what TheRaven64 said ... "It's also worth noting that this doesn't affect 64-bit kernels for the very simple reason that they don't support 16-bit compatibility and so don't have the affected subsystem." I have no doubts there are other exploits and flaws in my 64bit version. Just this one specifically affects the 32bit version.

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