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Submission + - Through the Eyes of a Tron: Legacy CGI Designer (jtnimoy.net)

Metabolife writes: Josh Nimoy guides you through the details of the coding and design that went into the special effects used in Tron: Legacy.

As a homage to the original Tron character Bit, we used icosahedrons, dodecahedrons, and similar. I was disappointed that Bit isn't in this one. After doing this simulation, I've grown more aware of how often fireworks are used in movies.


Submission + - Global BGP issues due to Juniper bug (phyber.com) 3

FST777 writes: "Many folks around the globe report Level 3 was down, however, the cause might be even more global. Apparently, a firmware bug in JunOS 10.3 (and possibly also 10.2) caused many, many Juniper routers to reboot upon an incoming BGP update (which might have been crafted to do just that).

Needless to say, all Juniper routers disappearing from the global BGP tables has quite an impact."


Submission + - Just how bad are hard drive prices going to get? (extremetech.com)

MrSeb writes: "Hard drive price are rocketing upwards due to the devastating floods in Thailand — and as bad as things are, there’s good reason to think they’re going to get a whole lot worse. The floods have affected different manufacturers to varying degrees. Thus far, Western Digital has been the hardest hit. Analysts from Noble Financial Equity Research have predicted that the company’s production will fall by nearly 60%, from 58 million units in Q3 down to 25 million in Q4. Samsung and Seagate are expected to see the smallest percentile declines, with Seagate expected to be the principle beneficiary of the supply shortage and subsequently higher pricing. Worldwide total Q4 hard drive production is expected to be about 120 million units, down from 176 million in Q3. ExtremeTech has plotted the prices of some popular hard drives, and the worst-hit (mostly 1TB models) have increased in price by over 200% since the Thailand floods. In short: Anyone who thinks they’ll need a hard drive in the next six months is best off buying it now."

Submission + - Smallest Electric Plane Breaks Speed Record (inhabitat.com)

MikeChino writes: The mighty Cri-Cri micro plane just broke the electric plane speed record at the Paris Air Show. The plane first took to the skies last September when it drew a lot of attention for its petite size and impressive flying capabilities. Now the developers and pilot can add “world’s fastest” to the list as they hit 283 kilometers per hour, running on only electricity and two 35-horsepower engines.

Submission + - How Japan's Data Centers Survived The Earthquake (itworld.com)

jfruhlinger writes: "A lot of Japan's infrastructure was knocked offline by this year's massive earthquake and tsunami, but its data centers by and large stayed running. How'd they pull it off? Good architecture and good planning, for the most part. But the data centers still face challenges in post-quake Japan, not least a new law mandating reductions in power use."

Submission + - Chrome hits 20% share as Microsoft continues slide (networkworld.com)

jbrodkin writes: "Google Chrome's rise in popularity has been remarkably fast and it's just hit a new milestone: more than 20% of all browser usage, according to StatCounter. Chrome rose from only 2.8% in June 2009 to 20.7% worldwide in June 2011, while Microsoft's Internet Explorer fell from 59% to 44% in the same time frame. Firefox dropped only slightly in the past two years, from 30% to 28%. While other browser trackers show Chrome with a lower percentage, there's a reason: StatCounter tracks total surfing, not the number of users. It's the Web's power users who are pushing Chrome to new heights."

Comment Re:Hardly the most-anticipated 24 hours (Score 1) 243

Not for lack of trying, but with the vast majority of the people, even the tech-aware ones, the typical reaction to anything "IPv6" is: "Wha..?", leading to lack of interest at first mention.

Which 24 hours sine Y2K were more anticipated? The launch of the iDevices? Is that really the tech industry? I work in networking (at a large web-based content-provider), and in "the field", this is a very, very important day (which we all hope shall pass relatively silently).

Comment Re:Faster than silicon (Score 1) 98

Modulating broad-spectrum light at 1GHz is still way better than modulating an electrical signal at 1GHz. So for on-chip silicon circuits there would still be a huge gain at current "clockspeeds".

It's nice to think about this tech on a large (optic-fiber networks) scale, but the applications on a small (silicon wafer) scale are, IMHO, more interesting.

Comment Re:Amazing. (Score 1) 794

I completely, totally and utterly agree. Also, as a Christian, I'd like to note that many Christians agree with this. Groups as in TFA are increasingly rare to find, especially in the educated parts of western society. They won't be missed when they're gone, I'll tell you...

Parent's last two sentences sum it all up nicely. Thanks for those!

Comment Re:CSCO forward guidance is low (Score 1) 87

How is FC1 more reliable than Ethernet? Both are (in this case) supposed to run on fibre and reliability mostly depends on how the network layer is implemented. In this case, everything from layer three up is identical. In the case of FCoE, the main advantage besides convergence is speed.

I'd still go for iSCSI, by the way. Even cheaper, and routable if need be. For truly mission-critical stuff: use DAS.

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