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Comment Re:Microsoft's anti-hijacking protections? (Score 1) 140

Microsoft could have set up an API call where the user is very clearly told what is happening (default browser changing from X to Y and don't do this if changing browsers isn't exactly what you want).

It can't work, because people don't read dialog-boxes and always click on "Accept" to get the porn they asked for.

Comment WTF Slashdot Editors ? (Score 5, Interesting) 77


I shared this story on Slashdot 1 month ago when the installation was opening, and when the information was not everywhere in mainstream media.

It was tagged as SPAM, and declined. The fact it was not a repost from Gizmodo...

Slashdot is that now: the place where you can get information 1 month late.

Submission + - SPAM: ESRF-EBS open the most powerfull synchrotron in the world

ze_jua writes: A brilliant new light shines in Grenoble, France, with the opening of the ESRF-Extremely Brilliant Source (ESRF-EBS), the first-of-a-kind fourth-generation high-energy synchrotron. After a 20-month shutdown, scientific users are back at the ESRF to carry out experiments with the new EBS source.

This new super-microscope will be able to perform a 3D scan of a full human organ or an entire body at micrometre resolution to better understand the process of infection, such as in diseases like COVID-19, and more.

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