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Comment Re:circle jerk (Score 1) 181

Companies like Comcast can rest assured that when their politicians are bought they stay bought!

Can they? "Staying bought" assumes some level of integrity, which leads one to a contradiction. It seems to me that if politicians can be bought at all, in all probability they can be bought multiple times.

Comment Re:Will they unlock? (Score 1) 158

> So if you will not be able to upgrade the OS and MS eventually stops providing updates to that OS will they at least release the keys to install something else?

No of course not. And the reason is, if you continue using your Surface RT, regardless of what OS you're running, you aren't buying some other Microsoft product. I think the expected behavior is to throw your RT away and buy a "real" Surface. So hop to it.

Comment Re:Yeah! (Score 1) 514

I should also have said, I agree with you on anxiety disorders - my daughter has a panic disorder and it's really been difficult for all of us to deal with. But sister demonstrably doesn't really have the disorder she claims to have. Test by: Although she tells the social worker she's incapable of driving, due to be terrified of the open spaces, so that the social worker has to do her grocery shopping, she has no trouble driving her 4x4 in the desert or taking her RV to the coast. (My understanding is that she tells them that a friend drives the RV and she stays inside the entire trip -- demonstrably untrue by anyone who knows her.)

Comment Re:Yeah! (Score 1) 514

My sister lives two states away from me. I'm not going to lie to any official who asks me about her, (I'd be happy to tell them she's faking her afflictions) but I'm not the welfare police and I don't see where it's my place to engage the government in order to rat on her. I just try to keep her out of my life and minimize the damage she causes to the rest of the family. Besides, she's known to be sue-happy, and getting on her bad side is not conducive to my financial health.

Comment Re:Yeah! (Score 1) 514

I actually don't know where she got the money. She got a lot of things by signing up to make payments and then... not making the payments. I'm not sure whether the vehicles fall into that category or whether they had some other source. I do note that neither her nor her husband worked a day after the mid 1990s, that they were both receiving disability and other forms of assistance, and that they also got a chunk of money from the lawsuit. I've tried to stay out of her drama otherwise.

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