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Comment Re:Why such paranoia ? (Score 1) 299

The code to brick the phones will be super secret. On the order of the encryption that protected DVDs.

The phone vendors don't mind, because when the waves of hooligans hit with mass cellphone-kill signals, we will all have to buy another. It's even easier than planned obsolescence in OS updates.

Comment Re:hilarious (Score 1) 267

Creating something new with no built in advantage for yourself, being totally honest about it, and then when its value soars not selling ..... is pretty much the opposite of a pump and dump scheme.

Well, then. We're clear on the fact that when the pump-and-dump operators took over, Satoshi retreated from the scene.

That doesn't change what bitcoin became rather quickly, and what is is now.

Comment Re:Linux's Security (Score 1) 331

I mean, just imagine how secure Adobe Flash would be if it were sandboxed such that all it can do is get the web browser to perform HTTP requests on its behalf, and output audio and video?

So would it open up a TTY link to the video hardware to 'output' this video? Or does it communicate to an optimized, accelerated video driver/interface that protects the computer from it? What would even be the purpose of a Flash Player existing if it wasn't allowed to do any of the heavy lifting?

I'm not writing this to justify Flash. I often use browsers for which a Flash Plug-in has not bee installed, for a number of reasons.

Comment Re: No, you don't need AV, even on Windows (Score 1) 331

Unread email never touched my browsers. I also only use a fairly robust third-part open-source email client (Sylpheed) to read my mail. is your friend.

The Sylpheed viewer gimps 'HTML' email significantly, but I see that as a good thing, not a bad thing. If it's really important to read a formatted email message, there is almost always a way to see it in a browser, AFTER I know what it is and where it comes from.

Comment Re:Trusted apps need no censorship and away to hav (Score 1) 331

As long as it kills the existence of Javascript engines in browsers, it sounds like a good deal to me.

(being sarcastic, but WTF? when I want to read something it doesn't mean I want to RUN something, nor does it means it will impress me that trying to read something takes 40% of my processor's resources.)

Comment Re:Dead as a profit source for Symantec, well, ... (Score 1) 331

The thing I don't get, and haven't for a long while, is why the 'Anti-virus' addon is so much a user process. As in, I have the BIOS in the computer on my desk configured so that the machine boots up at about 7:30AM and it's waiting at the login prompt when I arrive. Why isn't the Anti-virus stuff loaded as a system-level daemon and already running before I log on? Why is it installed to run at the Application level?

Comment Re:That is not a business decision. (Score 4, Informative) 371

Also, you shine the brass and keep the wastebasket empty.

But what sort of perturbs me is that 'Engineers' aren't just IT types. Where I work, engineers work on and design product. Except for companies that produce IT Products, the IT staff aren't engineers, except in the 'sanitation engineer' sense. So why does the article immediately and only segue into: " Exactly how long should this database field be? " Engineers concern themselves with what type of plastic to produce which components of the product out of, tooling tolerances, production costs, etc. The guy that maintains the CAD files database is a glorified file clerk.

Comment Re:Accuse me a being materialistic whore but... (Score 1) 136

Same as it ever was.

There was a period after the Watergate Scandal when it became popular to hold journalists up to high esteem for reasons that have never really been explained. While essentially, Journalism School majors are people who flunked out of Calculus, and THEN were also rejected by the English department.

Comment Re:And the links on MuckRock (Score 2) 264

The danger isn't really in the Law Enforcement agencies getting the equipment. It's the very militarization that is dangerous. The police should always see themselves as part of the community. Giving them the appearance of being a military, or allowing them to feel like a military force, separates them from 'the civilians.' No police force should refer to the ordinary citizens around them as 'the civilians' yet this is common language for police forces. Giving the police big lumbering military vehicles and promoting paramilitary SWAT teams to pose around in military-like uniforms is hazardous to our freedoms.

This sort of separation from the community they work in is a big part of the problem right now in Ferguson, MO.

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