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Comment Re:Seriously?!?!? (Score 2) 213

Again, you can choose to live in the real world, or you can choose not to, and be played by everyone else. Wars and other conflicts happen, it's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when. Being on the wrong side of the intelligence equation means you're going to be the fly, and not the fly swatter.

Comment Re:So what? (Score 1) 179

If you're impatient enough that you won't wait two weeks for an offer letter, I've got a long line of qualified applicants that will. At the end of an interview, we always tell the person what to expect. We're required to interview a minimum of three applicants for every requisition this is due to compliance regulations. After the interview, the selected candidate has to be approved through multiple layers...HR, legal, compensation, and normally a couple layers of engineering management. That typically takes 1-2 weeks, and is common for a Fortune 500 company.

Comment Re:So what? (Score 1) 179

When I schedule an interview with a prospective hire, I prepare the paperwork to make a job offer at the end of the interview.

Then you're fortunate not to be working for a large company. The hoops we have to jump through include approvals from a couple levels up, along with HR, Legal, Compensation, etc. That normally takes a minimum of 5 days after the interview.

Comment Re:Reconciling faith with science (Score 1) 305

You are so far off base, that you're making an ass out of yourself. First of all, I'm in no way religious. The only times I've been to a church in my adult life are for weddings and funerals. Politically, I'm only fiscally on the right, but not when it comes to social issues. So, not what I've corrected your ASSumptions, when it comes to rewriting history, WTF are you talking about?

Comment Re:*I* own my overtime (Score 1) 381

Now you're stretching. I look over every resume for the requisitions I post. And certainly we get a share that are unqualified, but plenty who are. And, I'm typically looking for engineers with specific skills and certs.

Comment Re:This is why I gave up PC gaming (Score 4, Interesting) 103

I think he just likes the fact that he can go to the store, buy any game with his console's name on it, and it is guaranteed to work. He doesn't need to worry about having the right OS, the right amount of RAM, the right processor, the right video card, the drivers, and so on. Of course, even if his system is set up perfectly today, the specs will change as his machine ages. In other words, a video card that will play any game today, will not play any game in three years. A PlayStation Three still plays every single game made for a PS3, from the games that came with the system on launch day to the games that are still being released today.

Comment Re:Why such short employment (Score 1) 381

What you fail to realize is that it's all about finding the right company/boss to work for. And yes, if you don't like your boss, you should move on. But, if you've jumped through a half dozen jobs, in as many years, it's likely you that have issues, and not the boss/company. 0-3% raises are not the norm (though there have been a couple years where sub 3% was the average with us). If that's what you've been getting, it's likely you that have issues.

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