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Comment Tesla battery also far larger than needed (Score 1) 334

The Tesla Battery's cost $13,000 would pay most people's electric bills outright over it's life.

The Tesla's battery is also 53, 70 or 85 kWh whereas the average household uses around 1 kW (kWh/h) and certainly can get by with a few kWh of storage to handle its overproduction of solar during a day.

In the end, it's just economics. Does solar + battery pay itself back in lowered electricity bills? If it does, nothing else matters.

Comment Price difference may not matter to everyone (Score 2) 149

The difference between 25 and 40 € isn't that big. Depending on where exactly you are and want to go in Helsinki/Tallinn, it may well be more convenient to take a train.

Heck, people ride the metro for nearly half an hour to get downtown for beers. If I can get to a decent Tallinn pub in less than an hour door-to-door I'd probably go now and then, depending on how late in the evening I can get back home.

For those who don't know, alcohol and restaurant food are around half the price in Tallinn compared to Helsinki.

Comment Re:Copenhagen interpretation != less complicated (Score 2) 197

Well, I remember Scott Aaronson saying de Broglieâ"Bohm's pilot wave theory requires exponential resources to simulate even with a quantum computer. Ergo even if it makes some things easier to understand it's not generally the most useful way to think about QM and arguably in some sense can't be the way Nature does what it does.

Comment So worst case still classically exponential, but.. (Score 1) 62

If I understand correctly, the classical version of this factoring scales with 2^n where n is the number of bits different in the two binary factors. Wouldn't there be some kind of trick to handle situations where more than half the bits are different though? IIRC this still wouldn't be the best known classical algorithm, but this seems worth some thought.

Also nice to see the whys and wherefores of quantum algorithms being better understood, but can't really say I know enough so see if this gives any more general insights.

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The most difficult thing in the world is to know how to do a thing and to watch someone else doing it wrong, without commenting. -- T.H. White
