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Comment V2V (Score 1) 149

I wonder what the V2V communication is about. I expect that in an ideal world other automated vehicles could communicate obstacles, road condition, and velocity data to one another, but this seems ripe for abuse or exploitation. In a worst-case scenario, someone could use that to either completely stop traffic or to cause an accident.

Comment Re:communications system? (Score 1) 149

Are you saying that if you were behind the wheel in a self-driving car and it ran a red light, you wouldn't be the first one to sue the auto maker (assuming you survived)? I don't see any way that the auto-maker wins in a court case in that scenario, unless there are laws that explicitly say you have to drive the car and the manufacturer has no-fault protection. If the latter is the case, then what's the point? Am I going to let the machine do the work if I'm solely responsible for when it screws up?

I imagine a traffic utopia where cars drive themselves, no one causes accidents or jams during merging and everyone goes a safe speed during inclement weather. I'm just not sure how we get there with our current legal system. Even if these things are as safe as humanly possible, there will still be some type of failure or accident.

Comment Re:Third party candidates have the benefit ... (Score 2, Insightful) 257

They won't because the system is rigged against them. It's a catch-22 - - they can not get enough votes to make the average person think they should be included and since they aren't included or given any coverage throughout the political season they can't get any votes.

Comment BYO (Score 4, Insightful) 408

I find the security questions I like best are the ones I can make up myself. I typically use nonsense phrases that only I know the answer to. Unfortunately most sites would prefer you pick one of several 'standard' questions like the examples OP provided.

Comment Re:Duh? (Score 1) 327

Honestly, I could go on about how much money and effort is really involved in supporting what is currently being advertised and sold to customers as "unlimited", but at the end of the day this is about false advertising. If you sell "unlimited" without any caveats and then renege without consideration for your customers you should be sued.

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