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Comment not mutually exclusive (Score 1) 391

A laptop is useful for lots of things, but when I really want to get some work done, I need screen real estate and a full keyboard and mouse.

My main compute is a laptop with a docking station. It has external keyboard, mouse, dual monitors (can connect via hdmi, displayport, vga, or dvi), audio, networking, etc.

The only downside to my laptop is that it maxes out at 16GB of RAM and the CPU is more limited than what you could put in a power-hungry desktop. But the peripherals are all supported.

Comment rent not cheaper around here (Score 1) 570

I'm fairly sure that my current house could *not* be rented for cheaper than my mortgage payments, and I'm making bigger payments than strictly necessary because I want to pay it down fast and minimize interest costs.

Also, around here (Canadian prairies) housing prices were pretty stable for decades. Recently they took a jump due to more demand in the market, but that's because people want to move here.

Comment it's your choice, but you might reconsider (Score 1) 739

I did mostly linux kernel stuff for over a decade. The vast majority of developers are quite helpful to people with little history in the community. As others have pointed out, generally this sort of stuff is aimed at people/projects that have a history of good work and then fall short of expectations.

If you submit a patch (formatted as per instructions) to the list, generally it will either get ignored (in which case you might want to contact the maintainer for that area) or else you will get some comments. Note that not eveyone's comments count equally--ultimately the subsystem maintainer is the one that will apply the change.

Comment it's 240V in USA/Canada (Score 4, Informative) 260

In the USA/Canada typical residential setups use two conductors at 120V to ground, but the conductors are out-of-phase so there is 240V between them.

There really isn't any such thing as 110V or 230V in the USA/Canada, both of which you'll sometimes see referenced. 208V does exist, it's the difference between two legs of a 3-phase setup where each leg is at 120V to ground.

Comment that's a stupid argument (Score 1) 390

If it were all about "even" traffic flows, then netflix could have their clients send garbage data back to balance out the flows. This would result in *more* traffic on the network overall, but hey it'd at least be balanced!

No...the traffic is there because it was *requested by verizon's subscribers*. There is no logical reason why cogent/level3 should pay extra for traffic requested by verizon. I know this is how it was done in the past, but that was under the assumption that the types of flow is more or less similar. In the case of verizon, it's mostly consuming data rather than sending it, so it shouldn't be treated as a regular peer.

Comment not always self-centeredness (Score 1) 710

caveat: I live in Canada, your mileage may vary.

When I see a person panhandling on the street, I know full well that there are social assistance programs, welfare, employment insurance, homeless shelters, retraining programs, health care programs, etc. In many cases, they have trained professionals who will probably do a much better job than me of helping people that need help. In a sense that means that *I have already helped them* by supporting a society and government that includes these programs, and by funding them with my tax dollars. In many cases the problem is just getting people into programs that will work for them.

That said, I still help people out sometimes if I think it makes sense. Most of the time though my charitable giving goes outside the country to places with less of a social safety net.

Comment would mod up if I could... (Score 2) 30

It seems to me that we want to simultaneously be able to prove to the voter that their vote was counted properly, while also wanting to ensure that the voter cannot prove to someone else that they voted a certain way (to prevent buying/coercing votes).

Adding to do you ensure that the person voting is who they say they are, and not another family member, care provider, guest, etc.?

Comment Generally okay with gov't competing. (Score 1) 349

Again is it okay for the government to compete with private enterprise?

Others may disagree, but I think so, yes. (Assuming they compete on merits rather than legislation.)

Around here (Saskatchewan, Canada) the main telco is a government-owned and they have excellent wireless coverage in rural areas. My electricity comes from a government-owned utility, and their rates are controlled to cover costs and build infrastructure. My natural gas comes from a government-owned utility that has huge underground storage tanks all over the province so they can buy gas at low prices and store it for winter. (Important, winters are cold here.) The main vehicle insurer is government-owned with controlled rates, and of course police/fire services are government-run.

The only real complaint I have with a government-run organization is liquor stores--and that's a political issue since there's nothing stopping them from implementing a solution where I could order booze via a website and have it shipped to my house with the appropriate taxes automatically paid to the government.

Comment recumbant and enclosed (Score 2) 218

Being able to put feet down requires a more upright and open riding position.

Removing that requirement enables a recumbant seating position (for better aerodynamics) and a fully-enclosed cabin. Making the cabin fully-enclosed allows for better protection from weather, better soundproofing, air conditioning, etc.

Comment mostly, but not always (Score 1) 104

Some really intricate parts are cheaper to 3D-print than to try and cast/forge/machine traditionally. Think hollow structures with stiffening ribs or cooling channels inside, or other similarly complicated shapes. The SuperDraco rocket engine falls into this category (though of course also is a small production run).

Comment distinction between managed and unmanaged (Score 1) 387

With managed hosting, the provider handles support, backup/restore, etc. Typically with "the cloud" the resources are unmanaged. The end-user is responsible for all of that stuff.

I don't believe Amazon themselves offer managed services, but there are lots of other companies that will sell you managed services built on AWS.

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