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Comment Re:The death of (Score 3, Informative) 334

I'm not sure what you mean by a "release group" but suspect you mean illegal distribution. The fingerprint is of the first few seconds of the audio of the file. A legal download from emusic or itunes or amazon has the same fingerprint.


Unless the RIAA subtly change the music to fingerprint every CD uniquely, and then track from the point of sale with your information and watch for that fingerprint on the internet. (Dang, haven't quite got the conspiracy theory thing down quite yet!)

Comment Re:The death of (Score 2, Insightful) 334

If the story is false, who will read TechCrunch again?
Actually, quite a few people, I guess. The attraction of this sort of thing for certain people is a "well known fact" as they say. It is relatively easy to post things and enjoy the notority they bring. I'm not saying it would ever happen on /., but you never know where else this might happen.

I'm not sure that using a TechCrunch story to verify a TechCrunch story is any sort of unbiased confirmation. Also, a picture of an email is not the type of "proof" that I'd be willing to accept from anyone I knew personally, let alone a provocative website.

Comment Re:Meh.. (Score 1) 258

Other features include a spell checker and auto updating.

Firefox had this years ago, seriously is this accurate, Opera just got these?

This is somewhat inaccurate. Opera has had spell check for some time. (Can't recall how long, sorry.) The new part is that checking is done in-line, as you type. (I think I prefer the spell check on demand version.)

As well, Opera will currently check for updates periodically. The new auto-update is done for you, without you needing to confirm the update. (Again, I think I prefer the old way.)

Comment Re:What's up with the Opera score? (Score 1) 371

Yeah, it's the fastest gets 10 points, no matter if the gap is huge, like Chrome on that V8 benchmark or almost non-existent like those flash crabs. I'd say Chrome should get the full ten on the V8 and the rest should have had some sort of prorating.

As someone said in this thread Opera bashing is always popular. If you comment that a great number of the Firefox addons are there to compensate for features that Opera has, but Firefox out-of-the-box lacks, you get modded to oblivion. Try saying that Chrome's tendancy to phone home is creepy. (Has that been fixed? I de-installed it as soon as I saw what was happening when I typed in the address bar and will not install it until that is off by default.)

Comment Can't blame Canada (Score 1) 574

"The Source by Circuit City" formerly RadioShack, in Canada, has filed for protection as well, mostly due to the (lack of) performance by the parent (American) company.

The Canadian operation has "good strong sales and good earnings over the last several quarters"
the Canadian subsidiary had no choice but to seek the court's protection, which he said "was triggered by the filing in the United States."

Perhaps, "Blame the US" should be invoked? :-)

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